Foonf or Stratofix for FF?


New member
I know there isn't much info on the Stratofix yet but work with me. :)

Colton is 41-42" and almost 40# at 4.5. He is FF full time now and I'm trying to decide what seat I want for him in my Civic. I loathe the Radian FF so I need another narrow option.

The top slots on the Foonf are 17.5" and he has a 15-5-16" torso. I will keep him harnessed until until at least 7. Does anyone know the top slots on the Stratofix yet?

As far as safety innovations, which do you think is superior?


CPST Instructor
Diono could not give me any information about the top harness height of the StratoFix at ABC they made it sound like they weren't really sure how tall it was going to be. I told them that for the price it needed to be at the very least as tall as the Nautilus but it would be better if it was as tall as the Frontier 85. We'll see if they listen. As far as safety-wise, I don't know which has superior protection and I seriously doubt we will ever get legit data to tell us either way.


New member
Neither? It just seemed to me like the Foonf will have a really short seat pan and maybe not be so comfy for older kids FFing. And we know next to nothing about the Stratofix and it may take forever...who knows.


New member
"I loathe the Radian FF so I need another narrow option."

Just curious why you don't like the Radian for FF? I haven't used mine FF yet, but I'm hoping it is better than RF. zit drives me crazy as a RF seat. Sorry to veer off course from your intended direction.

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