Fitting a SK Radian in a Toyota Highlander?


New member
Anyone have a Toyota Highlander?

We have a 2003.

Can you fit a Radian RF outboard behind the passenger side?

If much room does the front passenger have?


New member
Is this seat for your 2 year old? An older child doesn't have to be reclined as much as a baby does, so you should have plenty of room. If it is for a new baby it might be a little tighter for the passenger. Sorry, but I don't have experience with the Radian in this vehicle.


New member
Is this seat for your 2 year old? An older child doesn't have to be reclined as much as a baby does, so you should have plenty of room. If it is for a new baby it might be a little tighter for the passenger. Sorry, but I don't have experience with the Radian in this vehicle.

Yes...this would be for my 2 year old RF. I have been looking into the Radian and it seems I have read that the Radian really reclines back far and there isn't anything you can do to adjust it. I am trying to figure out if the seat can actually fit in a Highlander at all....and if so does it recline so far back that you can't have someone sit comfortably in the front passenger seat?


New member
There isn't much you can do, but you can tweak the recline angle some. Defrost is the queen of upright Radian installs. I think she wrote an article on it, or something. If nobody provides a link, and she doesn't chime in, you can PM her asking for tips.


New member
There isn't much you can do, but you can tweak the recline angle some. Defrost is the queen of upright Radian installs. I think she wrote an article on it, or something. If nobody provides a link, and she doesn't chime in, you can PM her asking for tips.

Thanks...I'll try to see what she says about it.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
Toyotas can actually be better than some cars (Fords, for instance) in allowing more upright RF installs, IME, because they usually have more sloped seats. My Radian is at about a 38 degree angle right now, and I didn't try to get it THAT upright, it's just how it went in. (And I have the old base.) Does the Highlander also have the really sloped seats? If so, you should be able to get it more upright than in some cars (but it does still take up a lot of front-to-back room because of how it's shaped. The True Fit, for instance, kind of "bends up" when you put the top part on, whereas the Radian has about the same shell height but it's straight out.)

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