EMAIL notification change


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Due to the large number of bounced emails, I will be making a small change within the next week or so.

First, Happy Birthday emails will no longer be sent.

Second, automatic instant email notifications for new posts will be cleared for all users. If you would like to subscribe to any particular thread, you will have to go back to that thread and use the "Thread Tools" drop down menu to re-subscribe if you would like email notifications of new posts again.

I apologize for the inconvenience for those that may still be monitoring a favorite or popular thread. Though I anticipate this will only affect a handful of members, and appreciate your understanding that the barrage of bounced emails from old accounts has accumulated over the years.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
This update has been completed. If you wish to receive automatic new post notifications on a particular thread, or on all threads where you have posted, you will need to update your settings in your user profile.

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