News Downtime and Forum Update


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
There will be a downtime for a major forum update next week, as early as Monday, April 20th. During the update, the forum will be in "read-only" mode.

Car-Seat.Org is currently on an old version of vBulletin that has not been supported for years and is no longer compatible with current server software. After the update, we will be running on Xenforo forum software that is much more modern, secure and robust and consumes less server resources as well. The integrated responsive mobile design will also mean that Tapatalk will no longer be necessary and will likely not be available after the update. Other customizations will also be lost.

Disboards is a large example of the Xenforo platform:
Momtastic also uses Xenforo:

Apologies for any inconvenience as this is necessary for security reasons and ultimately to reduce the costs of the current server that can no longer be maintained as-is. I greatly appreciate the support of our members and technical experts to stay with us and help answer questions during the update.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
This downtime is schedule for Tuesday, April 21st, and may take 4 hours or longer. The forum will be down during that time and may be "read-only" prior to the update and afterward for a time.

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