Dodge Journey 3 across?



We are traveling (flying), and my brother offered to lend us his Dodge Journey so we won't need to rent a minivan when we arrive. We currently have 2 kids RFing in Recaro ProRides (19" wide) and one FFing in a ProSport (19.5" wide). His Journey only has 5 seats, not 7.

So - does anyone know if those seats will fit 3 across? We have them in our Honda Ody like that, but the Journey isn't as wide. I also have a Britax Advocate CS, but that isn't helpful with the huge wings, and it was a bear trying to get it latched into the plane when I was traveling with one kid, let alone 3.

It will cost about $170 to rent a van for 3 days, so if I can buy one new car seat (I'm guessing a Radian 100 or a Combi Coccoro) it will cost about the same - and I'd rather put the $ into an extra seat than a rental. If I need more than one new seat to make it work, I think I'm better off renting a van. (I have a 1 year old 22 lbs, a 1 year old 17 lbs, and a 3.5 year old 35 lbs, about 40".)



New member
I have never installed seats in that particular car, but my first thought was to pick up two Sceneras for the little ones, since they will easily fit in them, they're light and will be much easier to travel with, and they are pretty narrow and more likely to fit 3 across.


New member
I have a dodge journey, I have never tried to install 3 seats across in it but it is pretty wide. I have comfortably fitted 2 adults (not small skinny adults either) in beside the maxi cosi mico and the peg convertible.

I think you would fit 2 sceneras and the prosport in it but I wouldn't be as sure about the other 3 seats in it.


New member
My friend has an 09 Journey and got a rf Marathon, Nautilus and Chicco Keyfit three across. At one point, she did have the Marathon FF, as well. I think if you get two Sceneras and use your Prosport, it would work. I'm just not sure a Radian, ProRide and ProSport will all work three across.

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