Difference in Maclaren Techno and Quest? Any better recommendations?



Ok I will get started with a question! This is perfect timing. My sister has a preemie who is now 8 months old (5months adjusted). She is not sitting on her own yet, but can sit supported if that matters. She has the Graco Sungride 2 and the Graco snap and go stroller thing. She is ready to switch the baby to the Olivia Marathon she is buying this month, so she wants a new stroller. She was all set to get the Maclaren Quest Mod Fleur at BRU when I found the Mac Techno Classic in the pink color that she adores for only $199 (same price as new Quest). She has tried to find a Techno in stores, but hasn't seen one yet (she is in Lexington, KY). So what are the main differences in these two strollers? Is there a better single stroller out there for around $200? She really only wants one stroller and wants it to be easy to push, somewhat compact (not bulky like Gracos), and good enough to go out for walks on the sidewalk and out in town like Gatlinburg, TN. Any suggestions would be great!

Let me know if you need any more information!



Well-known member
fwiw, the new Graco Mosaic stroller isn't bulky or heavy at all, and even with my 30+ lb daughter it's a breeze to push. I think it compares well with the Britax strollers, which is what I was looking at. (the Preview).


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
The Techno is a bigger frame than the Quest. It has bigger wheels with a suspension system. The Mac Ryder fits in between the two both in frame and wheel size, but it does have a suspension like the Techno.

Best I can tell, the only differences in the Techno Classic and Techno XT are the cover/fabric and the Classic comes with a footmuff. Otherwise, they are pretty similar. The 2006 models have a zip-open extension on the hood for more coverage.

There used to be a nice comparsion chart at the Maclaren website, but I can't seem to find it anymore:-(

The Inglesina Trip is similar to the Techno in many ways. It's a bit less expensive, too.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
I saw the Mosaic at BRU yesterday. It seemed to have more features than the Quest, which is a pretty basic stroller. It was also significantly heavier than the Quest, but didn't seem too much heavier than the Techno.


Well-known member
I was really suprised with the Mosiac. I was there with a friend who's expecting #2 and I tossed Joyjoy (not literally of course lol) in just for kicks and was really pleased.


I told her about the Mosiac and she is going to go to BRU and try to see one. She just wants to get a good stroller that will last, and I had NO luck with my Graco's. My sister and BIL are 5'2" and 5'7" so they don't need anything tall! I bought a Maclaren Daytrippper about 3 years ago, but since it doesn't have much recline, it won't work for her so I will be selling it. I saw that the Pliko Lite is around $200. Is this a good option to look at or not? She really likes the look of the Techno Classic and I think that $199 (free ship) is a good price too, isn't it? She loved the Quest and the Techno should be much better for an all around stroller. I will check out the ones mentioned and evaluate them for her :)

Thanks for the opinions!



CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Babyage has Techno XTs for 169 plus $6 shipping and I think I saw a free ship coupon floating around too.


I showed her the Techno XT for $169, but she has decided to get the Classic because she LOVES the Pink and wants the Boot too. Her DH was in a good mood tonight when she talked about it and he said "Go ahead" so she ordered it! I really hope she likes it since I am the one that recommended it, LOL! She never tried the Techno, but she did try out the Quest so hopefully there isn't too much different about it. Now I will have to wait about 2 weeks before I get to play with it (next Lexington trip)!!

Thanks for the information about the strollers. I was trying to find the best stroller in her price range and that is not always easy to do! If you want a GOOD stroller, you have to pay for it!! And we all know there is no ONE PERFECT stroller that will do everything you want it to do!

Thanks everyone,


Well-known member
I hear so many people talking about how their Gracos don't last, I don't get it! I still use my Outrider that I bought in 1997, and it's in great shape. I mean, obviously showing wear, but mechanically it's great and cosmetically it's in fair condition.


Moderator - CPST Instructor
I agree I had a Graco Outrider that went through 3 kids and serious, hard use, I loved it!

Macs do have a higher weighlimit 55# vs Gracos 40# ( I thought I posted his already but it isn't here, must have forgotten to hit submit :) so maybe that's why people think they hold up better?

I love to concept of the Quattro for use at say an amusement park for somewhere I need to carry a bunch of stuff but it's so heavy & big.


Well-known member
I really wish they hadn't stopped making the Outrider, b/c it's a GREAT all-terrain stroller. The only place it doesn't do well is on sand, but then again, that's going to be true for most strollers. LOL


Senior Community Member
I tried out the Graco Mosaic yesterday and didn't like it. I was hoping I would love it because its so much cheaper than the Mac I want and thought it would be easier to talk DH into it. LOL

Liam is 35lbs and 3.5 years old so he is big and didn't fit well at all. He does fit perfectly in the Mac Triumph though and still in his Pliko that we use all the time, I just want something small and light but DH doesn't agre.


Recommendations for double strollers?

I'm looking for a nice double stroller.
My DH and I can't seem to agree on styles - I like the side-by-side and he prefers the front/back.
We're looking at the Graco Duoglider, the Sit-N-Stand, the Peg Perego Aria, the Combi Twin Savvy, and the cheap but functional Jeep Twin umbrella stroller.

Does anyone out there have one of these..and if so, what do you think of it?


New member
pablomichi said:
I'm looking for a nice double stroller.
My DH and I can't seem to agree on styles - I like the side-by-side and he prefers the front/back.
We're looking at the Graco Duoglider, the Sit-N-Stand, the Peg Perego Aria, the Combi Twin Savvy, and the cheap but functional Jeep Twin umbrella stroller.

Does anyone out there have one of these..and if so, what do you think of it?

I used to have a duoglider and love it! Went through my two kids and then a friends two kids.

My sister in law has the Jeep Twin Umbrella stroller. I hate it! The canopies do nothing to protect from the sun. It's a pain to recline when they are sleeping and it is so wide you can't get through normal isles in stores. Door frames(single side) are a squeeze. Her Peg Pergo triple stroller is easier to get around with in the stores.
Some people prefer side by side but I had the cheaper Kolcraft version of the jeep stroller and used it at the mall with my child and a friends child and couldn't go in to many stores because it wouldn't fit.


Well-known member
FWIW, I had both a side-by-side and a tandem, and I HATED the tandem double. In fact, I liked my Graco side-by-side double so much I bought a second.

As far as the Metrolite is concerned, I don't like that one either.


Moderator - CPST Instructor
I used a Duo Glider and it's a beast, very heavy! I too love the Graco Duorider side by side but I have only seen them available online.


Well-known member
we had the DuoSBS, and I really liked it. It was wide (29", iirc), but folded up REALLY flat (flatter than my singles!). And it was narrow enough to go through all standard doorways.


Active member
I wish Graco still made the Duolite....I really liked
that SBS and of coarse now that I want one they
aren't available - Unless I wanted to import one
from the UK and pay a ton for it :mad: !
Why do they get all the cool strollers in Europe:confused: ?????



Well-known member
good question! LOL I agree, I loved my SBS. I hated my tandem; despite the width of the SBS the tandem was SOOO much harder to steer. (rememebr the "wider is better" commercials? LOL) It was like trying to steer a school bus!


Well-known member
We just purchased the caboose by joovy, which is like the sit and stand. Haven't had a chance to use it yet, since #2 isn't due until July, but I must say it seems like a great stroller. It is smaller in length and weighs less than the sit and stand and the other tandem strollers on the market. The fabric is a nice canvas type that looks like it will hold up to a lot of wear and tear. My DS who is almost 3 loves the platform to stand on and loves to sit on the jumpseat. It was very easy to stear with him on it when we tried it out after putting it together. We also liked how the infant seat fit on top of the front seat. You lose out on the ability to use the stroller from birth unless you use the infant seat. We tried the safeseat and it was a nice tight install. overall, I think we will be very happy with this stroller. We really didn't need a true double since DS walks most of the time now, but needed something for those mall trips or zoo trips when he gets tired and wants a ride. It folds up pretty flat and fits in the trunk of our elantra.

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