Desperate help with Clek Liing removal

Hey all,

I'm trying to uninstall a Clek Liing base, but I can't get it out. The normal method of uninstallation is to push down on the latch adjustment buttons, fully extend the latch connections, and then finally press down on the latch release buttons. The problem I'm having is that I can't get the latch connections to fully extend. I press down on the latch adjustment buttons, but it just stays in place. When I installed it last, I did get it pretty tight and I'm worried that something may have jammed and gotten it stuck. Is there a manual way to extend the latch connections?


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
Hi! To clarify, you're pulling back on the grey tabs on the top of the base, but this doesn't cause the LATCH system to unlock and extend? Or you cannot get that grey button pushed back at all?


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
Ok, that's not a problem I've ever encountered with this seat.
If your vehicle seat reclines, I suggest reclining it and trying one more time; sometimes releasing some pressure by changing that angle helps when a seat won't loosen, though usually with much different designs. It's worth a try; just make sure to return to an upright position before using the seating position again.

If that doesn't work, you'll need to call Clek for assistance.

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