Darren, a personal question re: the Ody...


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
Can you tell me how tall you are and how well the head restraints on the Ody fit you? There was plastic over the driver's seat on the model we looked at, and I couldn't check the height against DH. It looked like it might be too low. He's 5'11". Our Saturn's head rest does not go high enough for him.

Thanks. :)


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
They fit me fine-

I'm 5'10" and the front and second row adjust upward fine. I'll have to check the 3rd row...


Admin - CPS Technician Emeritus
Thanks! I can't imagine he'll ever be in the back row. The front seat just seemed low to me, and I couldn't adjust the driver's seat, which he was sitting in, to check.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member

I just sat in it, and I could see where the top of the headrest could be below the tops of the ears on an adult who is an inch or so taller in the torso than me. Probably OK at 5'11" though...

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