CSO app problem


New member
With the new phone, I am finding interesting new problems

I just realized I was reading Community Chat and Senior Community Chat on the CSO app on my phone without being logged in!
The Login button was showing so I went "what" and went to check messages and it said you must be logged in to see these.

Then went back to community Chat and Senior Community Chat and both are completely open to read.


Admin - CPS Technician
I've had it happen before where it thinks I'm not logged in, but I am, or vice-versa. Sort of. I think it's more of a glitch than an actual loophole to allow non-logged-in people to read stuff they're not supposed to.

I logged out just now and wasn't able to access any of the private areas.


Admin - Webmaster
Had you been logged in at all on this device recently?

I've seen this before after I had logged out, but had never been able to reproduce it from scratch.


Admin - Webmaster
If it brought over cookies from your other phone that could explain it. Login status is set by a cookie on the local device. Sometimes a cookie can become corrupted or persist longer than designed (1 hour from last action), even after logout.

I am concerned if you could see private forums on a browser that was newly installed, a new device or after clearing cookies/cache. I have just tried this on a few devices and not been able to reproduce it, but if it starts happening to people it might be an indication that the original app has further become incompatible with the latest mobile operating systems.

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