CPS Tech Liability at Fitting Stations



CPS Tech Liability at Fitting Stations

Anyone know what the legal ramifications are of being a volunteer tech at a fitting day or fitting station?

Is some type of insurance necessary in the event of an error with an installation, miscommunication of advice, or simply someone who sues everyone after a lethal auto accident?

If so, do these events have their own insurance, or is there a specific type of personal policy for such liability?

I suspect all will be covered in the 4-day class, but I'm curious anyway..


Re: CPS Tech Liability at Fitting Stations

The only thing I am aware of on this topic is that AAA is offering liability insurance to techs. I suppose you could contact them for further information on what they cover.

cps tech

Re: CPS Tech Liability at Fitting Stations

To quote the manual from the 4 day NHTSA course, "Historically, there were no successful suits against a car safety education or loan program." Besides the AAA insurance that is offered to certified techs, some check up events are covered by insurance. It's something you may want to ask before participating in one. The keys to avoiding liability is to take it all very seriously, keep current, document *everything*, make sure all materials you hand out are current, and if there isn't a good way to do something you need to tell them "I can't tell you a safe way to do that" or "I don't know but will try to find out."

We also try to have the parents or caregiver actually install the seat before they leave so that they are the last ones to touch it. As long as you give them the correct information, it would be very hard for them to hold you liable for anything. A good checklist like those used at most events remind you what all needs to be covered when discussing usage with the parents. I also make sure to remind parents to check their seat everytime they put the child in it to be sure that it is installed correctly and being used correctly.


Re: CPS Tech Liability at Fitting Stations

My local Safe Kids buys insurance for the day that covers all volunteers. I plan to buy the AAA insurance as well when I get the form for it.

We also have the parent be the last person to touch the seat or install the seat and put the child in the seat, just in case they come back after a crash and try to blame us for a failure.



Re: CPS Tech Liability at Fitting Stations

Since I'm too lazy to call AAA just yet, any idea how much the insurance is? Is it by the event or by year?

Thanks for all the info, all!

cps tech

AAA Liability Insurance

It is $55/year with Gotham Insurance Company. The policy is in effect for one year with current certification. If AAA certification expires, your coverage expires. There is no deductible and it covers defense costs, damages or awards against the insured, property damage.

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