Covers (FR85, RA55, TF, CA)


New member
I keep holding on to these, but really don't need spare covers anymore since I have enough spare seats, lol. All prices include shipping. Pictures are big to hopefully show the condition well. They all show wear (not much on the FR85 though). CA cover has snags and stains from juice. I washed on delicate but didn't try anything else to remove it. There are white scuffs on the side too. I also have the "infant" pad. $17 ppd. SOLD FR85 Canyon - shows a little wear in the normal spots. Includes black belly pad and harness covers. $40ppd TF Monet - padding is a little lumpy in the top piece, one snap is missing, it's a little dingy in the feet and seat area $25ppd RA55 Onxy - harness covers and outer soft part are fuzzy from washing, seam is split by one of the bottom buckle slits $30ppd
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