Climbing into Carseat



My son is 5 and I'm still lifting him into his forward facing carseat. I find it's quicker but also I'm always stressed he's going to damage the carseat by climbing into it himself by putting too much pressure on a cupholder or something. I'm also worried that in the process of climbing into the car, he will accidentally pull the vehicle seat recline lever forward while the carseat is installed, causing the vehicle seat to fold down on the carseat, also potentially damaging it. Are these valid things to worry about?


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
Hi! I think you can give your worries a break here. 😊 The car seat is designed to take the stresses of normal use, certainly including a kid climbing into it. (That said at 5 he can almost certainly be taught to stand in front of it and hop up backwards so it won't get so dirty!)
It's unlikely he would pull the "fold seat" lever, but if he happened to, in my experience, it would encounter the resistance of an installed seat and simply not fold - same as it wouldn't fold with an adult seated in it.

If you're very worried, teach him a specific sequence of places to put his hands and feet while climbing, and enjoy your extra minute at loading time!


Hi! I think you can give your worries a break here. 😊 The car seat is designed to take the stresses of normal use, certainly including a kid climbing into it. (That said at 5 he can almost certainly be taught to stand in front of it and hop up backwards so it won't get so dirty!)
It's unlikely he would pull the "fold seat" lever, but if he happened to, in my experience, it would encounter the resistance of an installed seat and simply not fold - same as it wouldn't fold with an adult seated in it.

If you're very worried, teach him a specific sequence of places to put his hands and feet while climbing, and enjoy your extra minute at loading time!
Thank you!

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