ClickTight vs Fllo


New member
Thoughts on ClickTight vs Fllo? It will be for ERF a smaller child, currently 18mo, 22lbs, 32". I've wanted a Foonf forever but the Fllo looks like it's an improvement. The ClickTight installation really appeals, especially for being able to move it to another vehicle sometimes. Beyond price, what are the pros and cons? I'm not sure anyone local has the Fllo to check out, though I can play with the ClickTight at BRU.

Vehicle is an '07 Odyssey, driver's side captains chair, leather.


New member
I don't know tons about either seat but I did see both on display at our "local" BuyBuyBaby today. I don't know if out have that store but thought it was worth mentioning!
I spent too long looking at infant buckets so really had to get going. I barely looked at the Fllo but, for what I saw, it did look really cool.


New member
CT pros (meaning Boulevard/Advocate throughout): easy installation, lots of height both ways (they have 18" top harness slots, I believe), can be quite compact front to back.

CT cons: not much RF leg room, 40lb RF limit, ARB doesn't come with seat.

Fllo pros: rock solid installation, miles of leg room, optional ARB, narrow, 50lb RF limit, stain resistant fabric.

Fllo cons: just tall, not super tall (44" RF height limit, 17" harness slots), not traditionally cushy, cannot be installed super upright RF.

HUGS pads could be either a pro or a con, I suppose. Both seats are heavy. I think they both have smooth harness adjusters. Both have fairly short crotch straps, especially RF. The Fllo does not have a no-rethread harness, but I prefer having the headrest and harness adjustments be independent.

I'm sure I forgot something, but those were some of the things that bounced around for me when I was deciding on a convertible.


New member
Great info! Thanks! Just called a local store and found out they have both. Woohoo! Heading over to check them out. And a sale starts tomorrow!


Well-known member
CT's will last longer. But your child is small, so that may not bother you. Mine is, too, but not having to purchase a combination seat definitely appeals to me. I'm pretty sure kiddos the size of ours will fit in the Blvd or Adv CT's till they are 6 years old, even if they are a bit on the long torso side (speaking from experience w/similar sized seats). LOL Hard choice...I'm still looking for an excuse for a Fllo!! Maybe if we need to use hubby's car a lot more, I'll spring for one if that happens! She will eventually outgrow the Cocorro I moved over there! ;)

CT's might not come with an ARB, but they do still come with rear facing tethers.

Have fun!!!


Well-known member
CT's will last longer. But your child is small, so that may not bother you. Mine is, too, but not having to purchase a combination seat definitely appeals to me. I'm pretty sure kiddos the size of ours will fit in the Blvd or Adv CT's till they are 6 years old, even if they are a bit on the long torso side (speaking from experience w/similar sized seats). LOL Hard choice...I'm still looking for an excuse for a Fllo!! Maybe if we need to use hubby's car a lot more, I'll spring for one if that happens! She will eventually outgrow the Cocorro I moved over there! ;) CT's might not come with an ARB, but they do still come with rear facing tethers. Have fun!!!

Click tights are no longer coming with the ability to rearface tether as of last week. Though the ARB should b available for purchase sometime in the next few months.

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