Chevy equinox 3 car seats across



Hello, I’m facing needing 3 car seats across my backseat and wondering if it’s possible in my 2018 Chevy equinox. Right now I have two Chicco fit4 seats. They are huge, so I know I’ll need new seats for those two when baby comes. I’m looking at the Diono Radian seats, also I’d love the new evenflo car seat stroller for the infant, but understand if it won’t fit. I already have the Chicco key fit 20 infant seat which seems smaller than some maybe? Any insight on how to start to figure this out would be most appreciated.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Hello, I’m facing needing 3 car seats across my backseat and wondering if it’s possible in my 2018 Chevy equinox. Right now I have two Chicco fit4 seats. They are huge, so I know I’ll need new seats for those two when baby comes. I’m looking at the Diono Radian seats, also I’d love the new evenflo car seat stroller for the infant, but understand if it won’t fit. I already have the Chicco key fit 20 infant seat which seems smaller than some maybe? Any insight on how to start to figure this out would be most appreciated.

In a compact SUV, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to fit any infant seat plus two larger seats. Three very narrow seats should work, especially if the middle one is facing a different direction than the other two that usually allows them to puzzle better. Diono Radian is one narrow possibility. Graco SlimFit 3 LX or True3Fit is another.



CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
I definitely wouldn't recommend Diono seats in this vehicle- I've found them often incompatible in Chevys of this era due to belt geometry (and they won't work for a newborn either.) The Graco SlimFit3 LX/True3Fit is a better bet. How old and big are the older children?

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