Question Check Parkway gap?


New member
Ok this is the third row of my Expedition EL. Is this acceptable?


The gap is awful with the headrest flipped up.


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Forum Ambassador
Not sure if this is helpful or not since I don't know the year of your Expedition...but this thread has how to remove the third row headrests of a 2012 (read down as it starts out about 2nd row)

My next suggestion would be to try it in the centre (your pic is outboard, correct?). Unless you were the poster that talked about it tipping in the centre position? That may be a completely different person though. LOL Pretty sure you posted about puzzling some seats and I know when I puzzled the Parkway, it was always in the centre, and either a Frontier or Peg convertible was outboard. So maybe centre could work for you?


New member
Not sure if this is helpful or not since I don't know the year of your Expedition...but this thread has how to remove the third row headrests of a 2012 (read down as it starts out about 2nd row)

My next suggestion would be to try it in the centre (your pic is outboard, correct?). Unless you were the poster that talked about it tipping in the centre position? That may be a completely different person though. LOL Pretty sure you posted about puzzling some seats and I know when I puzzled the Parkway, it was always in the centre, and either a Frontier or Peg convertible was outboard. So maybe centre could work for you?

It's a 2011. Thanks for this! I will peruse it shortly.

The center works just fine. But that's where the tether anchor is for that row and I need my son harnessed there.

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New member
Ah. Fair.enough!

I really like the vehicle. I just have to figure out where to place these older two and in what seats. Grrrr!!!!!!!

I have my younger two (3.75 years and 20 months) in the second row. I could put the baby in the third row and move my FF son to the second row. But I think that will be a pain in the butt to get her in and out.

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