carseat use in 1992 honda prelude



My daughter is trying to buy a carseat for my first grandchild due in late May. She drives a 2-door 1992 Honda Prelude with bucket seats and a console in the (almost nonexistant) backseat. It is not economically feasible for her to purchase a new car at this time. She has been told, supposedly by someone connected with the Maryland State Highway department, that it is illegal to install a carseat in the back seat of a car such as hers. Is this true? If it is, what about a rear-facing seat in the front (no airbag). If not, is there any problem using a Graco Snugride in this car?


CPST Instructor
I would contact a technician in Maryland to see if this is illegal which you can locate one at

At the same time if you purchase the seat have a technician help you install the seat if you are having problems. Personally I haven't come across a 92 Honda Prelude yet. Perhaps some of our other technicians have and can help you out on this.

The compatibility link at the to does not address a rear facing seat for a 92 Prelude

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