Car-Seat.Org Email Issues


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Apologies to newly registered members and anyone trying to confirm a new email address. It seems our server had blocked outgoing emails due to an aggressive spam filter limitation. The problem should be resolved now, so if you are missing a confirmation or validation email for your account, please try again.


CPST Instructor
Apologies to newly registered members and anyone trying to confirm a new email address. It seems our server had blocked outgoing emails due to an aggressive spam filter limitation. The problem should be resolved now, so if you are missing a confirmation or validation email for your account, please try again.
Hey, Darren.

I logged in due to Facebook being down (LOL) and I've lost access to, like, everything. There was a message in my CSO inbox about not being able to reach me via my email address (which has not changed). I updated a little profile info but I'm still not able to get to the community member or tech areas. Any ideas?


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Your post did go into moderation, but it seems to have full access and not waiting for email confirmation or anything like that. Maybe logout and login and see if that helps?

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