car seat/booster for Buick Enclave


New member
My parents would like to buy inexpensive car seats/booster seats for my children to keep in their car for occasional use. I'm looking for recommendations. My almost 5 year old daughter is wearing 5/6 size clothes. She is currently riding in a Recaro Performace Sport and a Diono Radian (both with 5 point harness). She is good about sitting upright in the car and has done well in the past when we've traveled and had to use a belt positioning booster.

My two year old son is still rear facing in our car and rides in an Evenflo Triumph Advance. He occasionally rides forward facing in a Cosco Scenera when we travel. He is wearing 3T shirts. Would a Graco My Ride 65 be a good option? He rides in this RFing in his other grandparents' car and seems very comfortable.

Can you please recommend inexpensive options which will fit well in a Buick Enclave? Thanks for your help!


Admin - CPST Instructor
Staff member
I'd look at the Harmony Defender for your older daughter, and for your son I'd look at the Evenflo SureRide or Safety 1st Guide 65.


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