BV install in center 3rd row of 02 Caravan & BV lapbelt install questions


Senior Community Member
Does anyone have a BV in the center of their 3rd row of their 02 (or this bodystyle) Caravan? Were you able to get a solid install with the lapbelt under the metal bar?

I understand that I can have an inch of movement at the beltpath, but I really don't want any movement at the belt path... :confused:

I understand the directions say under the metal bar... Can the lapbelt be routed over the metal bar (like with the lap/shoulder belt) if you can't get a solid install with it under the bar?

I'm wondering if being 8 mos pregnant is making me lose my carseat installing abilities (I hope not, our cpst training is next week) or if this is really a time when the install will not be rock solid?

Thanks in advance! :D


Senior Community Member
I think the MA & BV have the same molded seat... The MA has the black bars that the Latch straps attach to, right? that would be awesome if you want to try the MA in the middle of the 3rd row... I'm trying to get it installed FF for my son or nephew (both to heavy to rf in Britax & my son soon to heavy to rf in scenera)... Thanks so much! btw, do you think that our tether anchors are infact unsafe? I think we are the only 2 people that actually have them...


Senior Community Member
I can tell you that I do have problems installing my MA in the center of my Suburban w/the lap belt due to the latch bars. It can be done, but it's a royal P.I.T.A!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is one of the reasons I LOVE my LATCH bars to get in the way! Honestly, I don't understand the whole 'under the bar' rule. I follow it. But I don't understand why! LOL


New member
I think the one time I put mine there I did it over the bars. I do remember it being quite the pain. I think reclining the seat while installing and then putting it back up was finally what did it.

I have tether anchors in my van, didn't know there was a concern about those too? I have one in the center of the third row and two in the second row. I have two sets of LATCH on the 2nd row. I only knew about the Gen 3 seatbelts, geesh is there anything safe about this van! Shoulda kept the Sienna I guess. :)


Senior Community Member
singlemom2girls: the tether concern is only with the retro-fitted tethers in our 02 Caravans... the 2 of us had the last 2 tethers added outboard 3rd row... Chrysler says it can be done & did it, but the latch manual says no, plus the parts are like a d-ring attached to the underseat, rather then the metal peices that we are used to seeing attached to the frame of the vehicle for retro-fitted tethers...

But the factory tethers & lower anchors that you mention are fine! :D Sorry to alarm you... & you gave up a Sienna for a Caravan?? I'd love to have a Sienna! :D

all together ooky

New member
Okay! I installed my MA FF in the middle of the third row with the lap belt underneath the bars. I got it in tight. Not as freaky tight as in the captains chairs but I had to pull pretty hard to make it move. I did twist the buckle stalk once (twice would do fine too) and kind of knelt in the seat and rocked it back and forth while I was tightening the seatbelt. I was pleased with the result.

I bet reclining the vehicle seat first would help too...

When removing the seat make sure you kneel in it and then release the belt from the buckle and loosen/lengthen the seatbelt. Otherwise the seatbelt buckle (female) gets caught on the bar and you can't slide it over to the wider part of the carseat to get it out. (did I confuse you???)

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