BRU Sunday AD?? What did I see?


Active member
I was looking at the ad's in the Sunday paper.

The BRU/TRU ad showed a RF child, but it looked more like a Nautilus than the MyRide....but I couldn't tell. Nice to see a RF toddler, hope it was a RF seat.


Senior Community Member
If you tell me how I can.....hold on , did that work?



Forum Ambassador
If you tell me how I can.....hold on , did that work?

I can't see it either. I see a FF nautilus, a FF momentum and that's it...
I cannot see anything at all, FF, RF or otherwise. On my iPad, so there is no Flash so just wondering if someone could do a quick screenshot and put it on Photobucket or something.

Its just the FF Nauti with the 1yo in it :/
Ah okay, then no need to do a screenshot, I can imagine the pic. Stupid BRU, sell a bunch of 40# RF seats and they choose to showcase the bare minimum, good work. :p


Well-known member
Yes, I commented on this a few days ago after I got the flyer in the mail. Add to that the banner underneath with BRU touting "National Baby Safety Month" for September!


Well-known member
Yes, I commented on this a few days ago after I got the flyer in the mail. Add to that the banner underneath with BRU touting "National Baby Safety Month" for September!

I just found that flyer today! It went into the trash. :whistle:

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