For Sale Britax Regent (DOM: 8/2008)


Senior Community Member
Britax Regent (DOM: 1/2008)

I'm not even sure if anyone still wants a Regent, with all the new seats out there now. But I'm finally letting go of it. It has a Sahara cover, although I think I have an extra cover somewhere in storage. Make an offer.

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Senior Community Member
Just have to say that I have a Regent as ds's primary seat and I love it :love: I chose it over any other ff seat.

I love love love it, too. But we really don't need it anymore now that we have Frontier 85's. I was using it over the Frontier 85 for DD but on long trips (like, 600 miles...), her head slumps more in the Regent than in the Frontier. And there are no drink holders... :whistle:

It is a totally awesome seat. Went from DS to DD. Now that we're in an apartment, it just takes up too much room to store.

I think I'll check and see if any home daycare centers or anyone else in our area is looking for one.


Senior Community Member
Re: Britax Regent (DOM: 8/2008) (<--- 1/2008)

I tried to change the main subject line but couldn't. The DOM is actually 1/2008, not 8/2008. Sorry about that!


Active member
I have no idea even what to offer, what are you thinking?
This could be a good idea for my dad's bronco possibly...
pics might help to? :D

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