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Go through and get 6% more back!
Wonder if I could use DH's info to pretend to be a new customer?
No. They won't count me as a new customer because they claim someone had something shipped to this address in 2006. Well, I suppose someone might have sent me something from them in 2006, but I certainly never ordered from them. But they have this address having already received something, so no dice for me ever. If I ever decide to order using a new customer coupon, it'll be shipped to my dad. And had they not claimed I was a repeat customer, my XT would have been $180 has it for sale for $229, add 10% off plus $10 off first time buyer coupons, get a heck of a deal!
Same deal for Marathons.
plus10pct and miracle both work. :thumbsup:plus10pct
you have to buy at least one pack of diapers for those to work. Simple, $6 pack of Luvs and you're out the door. If you can't stake those two, new5 is another one that should stack with plus10pct.
The ones under $200 are tax free and have free shipping, too. Maybe you could cancel your order, it would be worth a shot to save $50. You may even get it sooner by ordering from I ordered Tuesday at 5:45PM, and received it Thursday at 11:30am.
Too bad for me that I didn't look here! I just ordered one yesterday and payed $242 ! Atleast it was tax free and no shipping
Oops, didn't notice that they went off sale.It's not on sale anymore! So even with the coupons, it would be the same price you just paid.
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