Britax Click great as it sounds?


New member
I need to replace my 3.5 year old daughter's convertible car seat and have read great things about the Britax Frontier 90. The Click Tight installation is what really appeals. I'm not terribly confident that I can install car seats well and I don't have the option to have a Tech check my install. (I live overseas. I drive a US spec vehicle, though, so need a US car seat.)

So, is the Click Tight as great at is seems? Is it really as easy to get a rock solid install as the videos lead you to believe? One Amazon reviewer expressed concern that, over time, the Click Tight mechanism might damage the seat belt. Do any of you folks who have used it think this might be a problem? I obviously don't want to risk damaging the seat belt!

I've also considered Recaro Prosport (I'm concerned about the belt under the seat pad bothering my daughter) and the Radian (I'd love something narrow, but prefer the side impact protection the other seats offer). Other suggestions are welcome.

Many thanks for your input!


New member
The click tight really is as good as it sounds. My 7 yo can install it with just verbal direction.

I was worried about stressing the seatbelt, but I think it would take some serious effort. If there is tension on the belt when you try to close it, the ct doesn't close easily. As long as you just buckle, pull out slack, close the ct, I can't see it causing problems. Now if you buckle, pull super duper tight and then force the ct closed with a huge amount of force? That may cause damage, yes.

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New member
I agree with Natalie, if it is used properly I don't think there is a big risk of damaging the seatbelt.

I didn't really think installing a seat could possibly be that easy, but honest to god it really is!


New member
It is super easy to install and I don't think it could cause a seat belt any more "damage" than any other car seat secured/installed with a belt instead of latch.
I guess you could unbuckle it at night and re-buckle in the morning to relieve it for a few hrs every day but I don't think it's worth the chance of maybe forgetting to do it one time.


New member
I am obsessed with this technology. Does anyone know if Britax plans to ever somehow incorporate this into a convertible seat? (Or is it physically possible do to the nature of convertible seats?)


New member
Installed one today and it literally took me longer to remove the old seat than to install the FR90. So amazing how it gets tight with no effort at all.


You may have already purchased something, but just FYI, the Radian (which I freakin love) has very low top harness slots IMHO - 16". DD is 27m and about 37-38", and we had to switch to the Frontier90 bc she has passed the 2nd-from-top slots, and the top slots are inaccessible due to the wing piece being in the way. If you have a tall kid, I'd go with the Frontier. I just installed it, and I had the same questions about the seat belt. I'm used to tightening the hell out of the seatbelts, though, and I installed it by kneeling on the seat while tightening the belt first. After thinking maybe that was excessive, I just installed it by hand-tightening the slack in the seat belt then using the clicktight, and it seems just as tight but without as much possible harm done to the seat belt.


The click tight seat was installed into my car by a parent.
It completely destroyed my seat belt..
Fiy my car is very modern and seat belts near new..
So. Very unimpressed.

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