Braunability Honda Oddysey wheel Chair Van Car seat compatality



Hi all,

I was diagnosed with ALS about 9 months ago and recently got a power chair. As part of that we bought a used 2017 Honda oddysey that had been Converted by Braunability To fit a power chair. We haven’t used it much yet, but have a road-trip we are going to take in a couple of weeks. We have a three year old and a 3 month old. As part of the minivan conversion process, the back bench is flatter than normal (as opposed to the normal tilt that most seats have) and the captain seats have been Removed. Our three year olds graco4eva dlx works fine in the front facing setting. Our infants chicokeyfit30 does not work as The flat bench will not allow the right incline for the car seat (the little air bubble is super far outside the safe zone). We have an extra graco4eva dlx from my moms car that we could use. In the rear facing #3 position the air bubble is in the safe zone. So far as I can tell from the manual, there’s no age height restrictions for any of the rear facing positions, but it looks quite upright and I don’t want to risk our daughters health. I was hoping someone could confirm this is fine for a 3 month old 13lbs girls or suggest another car seat that works with Braunability minivan.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Hi all,

I was diagnosed with ALS about 9 months ago and recently got a power chair. As part of that we bought a used 2017 Honda oddysey that had been Converted by Braunability To fit a power chair. We haven’t used it much yet, but have a road-trip we are going to take in a couple of weeks. We have a three year old and a 3 month old. As part of the minivan conversion process, the back bench is flatter than normal (as opposed to the normal tilt that most seats have) and the captain seats have been Removed. Our three year olds graco4eva dlx works fine in the front facing setting. Our infants chicokeyfit30 does not work as The flat bench will not allow the right incline for the car seat (the little air bubble is super far outside the safe zone). We have an extra graco4eva dlx from my moms car that we could use. In the rear facing #3 position the air bubble is in the safe zone. So far as I can tell from the manual, there’s no age height restrictions for any of the rear facing positions, but it looks quite upright and I don’t want to risk our daughters health. I was hoping someone could confirm this is fine for a 3 month old 13lbs girls or suggest another car seat that works with Braunability minivan.

Hello and welcome. Would it be possible to copy the exact model name and model number and manufacture date from your Graco car seat label? This may be on the back, side or bottom of the car seat. As there are dozens of variants of the 4Ever model, this may help with model specific information. Your 3-month old is close to the point to where they can safely be more upright in many seats, but recommendations for this do vary from brand-to-brand and even model-to-model.

Unfortunately, I cannot help with issues specific to third-party vehicle seating modifications. This may depend on any instructions provided by the installer and may also be best evaluated in person by a certified technician.

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