In Search Of Belt Shortening Clip(s)


Active member
Looking for at least 1 (but would love a few). Only place I seem to be able to find them locally wants $30+ for a single.


CPST Instructor
Your local Ford dealership should have them (or be able to order them) for free or just pennies. They are listed as locking clips in their parts catalog.

I *assume* this applies in Canada as well as the US.


Active member
Looking for at least 1 (but would love a few). Only place I seem to be able to find them locally wants $30+ for a single.

Ahhh! I had one in my hand today going through my car seat parts box. Thought I haven't used this in 5 years probably won't use it but I threw it back in the box and put it back in storage. It'll probably be a while before I get back out there but if you still need it after checking your local ford I'll make an effort! You can have for shipping.


Active member
Your local Ford dealership should have them (or be able to order them) for free or just pennies. They are listed as locking clips in their parts catalog.

I *assume* this applies in Canada as well as the US.

I've tried to order them at multiple Fords, no luck. They are no longer being carried (here at least).

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