Price Check Beco Butterfly 2 carriers


New member
I have two Beco Butterfly 2 carriers. One in "Natalie," (purple carrier, flower panel) and one in something I'm too lazy to look up (brown carrier, multi colored circles and birds).

I'm definitely selling the purple one now. It's been used a lot, and is in fair-to-good condition. No rips or stains, non-smoking house. The female end of the chest buckle has a crack, but it functions normally. The fabric is faded. I do have the hoods and infant inserts (for both).

The brown one is DH's and is in much better condition. He's not ready to sell just yet, but I think he will be one he actually sees a toddler carrier.

I'm thinking $45 for the purple, $55-60 for the brown? Is that reasonable?



New member
Do these have the sewn in panel that holds baby and goes between mom and baby?
Yes. When you use it, it's adult-panel-kiddo-carrier, if that makes sense. Then there is an additional panel that clips in for itty bitty babies, to raise them up.


New member
Before selling the one with the cracked buckle I would contact beco with photos to enquire about safety/integrity. If it's questionable I wouldn't sell it until it had been replaced.


New member
Before selling the one with the cracked buckle I would contact beco with photos to enquire about safety/integrity. If it's questionable I wouldn't sell it until it had been replaced.
I am waiting to hear back from Beco. I cracked it in my car door over two years ago and have been using it since. AFAIK, the chest clip isn't necessary for a back carry, and I guess that was all I was thinking about because I haven't done a front carry since 2012 ;)


New member
Yeah theoretically if s carrier fits properly, the chest clip shouldn't be needed at all. It's only an added safety measure in case a shoulder strap slips. But lots of people seem to rely on them to get a correct fit. But I think it's also an easy fix if they suggest fixing it. It's not weight bearing so probably not an issue :)


New member
Good news: you can buy the Gemini chest clip and attach it with no sewing :) And it's only $10, including shipping, because this is Beco, not Britax.

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