Beanbag Chair or similar


Admin - CPS Technician
We finally got a TV set up in our basement, and now I'm looking for seating options. I need ideas for good beanbag chairs or something similar. I'd like something the kids (3, 5, 10) to use, and maybe that DH and I can flop on, too.

Recommendations for things you love/covet?


Well-known member
We have 3 beanbags from pottery barn kids. My 1 requirement was that they have removable covers so I could wash them if needed- which we've already had to do on 1 of them in the 3 months we've owned them. Washing the cover was super easy and it still looks great- no fading. Dh and I can use them though it's sometimes hard to get up without rolling to the floor first.


Active member
I don't have any great ideas, but I definitely don't recommend the Big Joe chair shaped bean bags from Walmart. It started out great, but the beans totally flattened within just a few months of the kids using it. I keep meaning to get some more to try and re-stuff it, but it's just sitting sadly in the corner behind the sofa.


New member
We have a Yogibo store in the mall and their stuff is so comfortable! I'm guessing by the number of people that lounge on their floor models every day, they hold up pretty well. They are pretty expensive though.


Well-known member
I like video rockers, too. Ikea has some lightweight, inexpensive models at the moment. Good way to figure out if you like them.

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