Baby Trend Flex-Loc $50 on Woot


CPST Instructor has the Baby Trend Flex-Loc up today for $50 (+$5 shipping).

The last time I bought a car seat from them, it had a reasonable DOM (within 6-8 months of current), especially for the price I got, but I don't know if that's typical of the seats they sell.


New member
It sounds like it's a 2009 DOM. If you read the description, it talks about it being retro. :) I always love their descriptions. :)


CPST Instructor
It sounds like it's a 2009 DOM. If you read the description, it talks about it being retro. :) I always love their descriptions. :)

You know, it might actually be older than that. Someone in the comments said that they called BabyTrend and that this particular model was discontinued in 2007. I don't know if that's true or not, but definitely something to consider.

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