Anyone have carseat experience in Land Rover LR3?


New member
We are looking into my next car and have narrowed it down to Honda Pilot, Ford Flex and Land Rover LR3.

We are leaning towards LR3 simply because, despite unavailable crash test information, the vehicle is extremely heavy with excellent visibility and sits up quite high, which I prefer. For me as a driver, that adds up to increased safety and better accident avoidance.

There is a published IIHS rear crash rating of Good, but the frontal and side impact tests have never been performed. Does anyone own one and have anything good or bad to say about it? How easy was it to install carseats? Is there anywhere else I can go (I've done several internet searches) to get some kind of idea of how an LR3 would fare overall in an accident?



CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
My experience is that they are a PAIN to put seats in. LATCH is awkwardly located and seatbelts have "sticky" retractors that don't like to take up enough slack, and the seats are very firm and don't allow for much compression to help get seats in tightly. Rear facing seats probably will fit in between the front seats if located in the middle, but you may need a lot of work to get a tight fit at all, and putting a rear-facing seat behind the outboard seats may be extremely difficult. I don't have as much experience with forward-facing seats, from what I can tell it's not quite as bad but no dream.

As for crash test rating compilations, check out Informed For Life (can't link right now but a quick search should turn it up easily.)


New member
Also, keep in mind that 'large' does not not necessarily translate to 'safe'. There are many small cars on the market with excellent crash safety ratings. You're also less of a danger to OTHER people in a smaller car, with the added benefit of creating less of an environmental impact, particularly if you aren't hauling a bunch of kids.


New member
My personal experience with the Land Rover LR3...

Everyone I've ever known to have one ends up having major issues with it way to early in the life of the car. One friend had the whole frame pretty much rust out from underneath him (regular use) after about 5 years. Another friend had major engine issues, ect. My husband's boss's wife drives one and occasionally we have to move it or take it for a week. It drives like a truck... where the other two cars you mentioned really drive like cars. It was very rough.

Here is a good summary of what I'm talking about:

Personally between the ford and the honda, I'd go honda... especially if you are purchasing (if you're leasing... then I guess it doesn't really matter) - but I find that the hondas go and go and go... you can run them well past 100K miles with few repairs/issues. The ford edge looks very cool... love some of the features, but not sure its been around long enough to know reliability.

Have you looked into the Toyota Landcruiser? That would be another one I would put on your list... and unlike the Landrovers, it is extremely reliable.

carseat wise, the landrover is similar to a bmw when installing seats... and is sort of a PITA. Of course doable... but also a pain. The ford or the honda are going to be way more straight forward.


New member
Thanks for your replies . . .for now we have two children and we plan on carpooling this year. We also take our friends' kids and our niece/nephews regularly which is why we definitely want something with at least 7 seats and decent cargo space.

We've ruled out the Flex because of slow acceleration and its low-to-the-ground position. Love the car but prefer to be up higher for some reason.

The Pilot is practical and spacious but not our favorite aesthetically.

The LR3 is perfect in every way for our own personal tastes with the exception of less than stellar gas mileage and potential reliability problems. I read the link you provided, Cape, and I found it very informative and detailed. Thank you!
Perhaps I could stop by the dealership and try installing a seat in the LR3. Cape, you mentioned it was a PITA just like the BMW. I've installed the seats in my husband's 08 BMW - I agree, LATCH is hard to access and seats are very stiff. However, I"m confident I got a secure install with some good effort.

Anyone have a larger SUV recommendation where you've found car seat install to be extremely easy and secure?? I would love some more suggestions.


I have the LR3 and car seats. It’s great and easy, but you can only fit narrow seats. Best was the Clek Fnoof/Fllo (Oobr too wide) and my very favorite is the Diono Radian RXT which allows three across easy with less bulk.

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