any update on new LATCH seats to come?



any update on new LATCH seats to come?

My 9-month-old son is now 18 lbs and, at the rate he's growing, will outgrow his infant seat in a few months. I am looking at purchasing a new convertible seat but am debating if I should hold off the purchase for a month or two, in hopes that there will be more LATCH car seats when the new models hit the stores. Does anyone have any information on new LATCH car seats and when they will be available?

Also, besides the Britax and Fisher Price SE car seats, are there any other seats that have or will have energy absorbing foam?

Thanks for your help!


LATCH options

Probably wont be a flood of LATCH seats until nearly a year from now, though a few will arrive this year. Evenflo claims their new Triumph convertible will be on the market this fall, with LATCH by the end of the year. Britax long promised a LATCH Roundabout, but no news lately. Could be soon, or next year.

Currently, the Cosco Triad is about the only choice that is easy to find in a convertible LATCH seat. If you can find the Safe Embrace II, you're lucky:)


> any update on new LATCH seats to come?

We had the same problem. Our family vehicle is a Ford Focus Wagon with the Latch and Tether system. We now went for the Cosco Triad because this is the only seat available with the Latch system. We were looking everywhere for a Fisher Price Safe Embrace (stores, internet) and could not find any left overs.
But I am glad that we got the Cosco, bcause it really fits in the car and is only half the price of the Fisher Price.
The only problem we have is, that we can not recline it in the rear facing position, because there is not enough space on the rear seat of the Ford.
I would also recommend to buy some additional shoulder protectors for the seatbelt of the car seat, because if the kid's head falls to one side, the seatbelt may rub at the kid's neck.


Shoulder protectors

Avoid any thick type of padding which goes under the harness. This can compromise the safety of a seat. A very thin piece of fabric is acceptable. I usually just make sure to pull the collar of my child's shirt above the harness strap. Some parents also cut the end off a thin baby sock and run it on the belt and position it at the right spot.

Padding that is too thick can effectively make the harness too loose in a crash, as it will compress easily. This can lead to more head excursion when the child is thrown forward into the harness, and possible increase the risk of injury. Shoulder protectors that are too long can will also tend to cause the chest clip to be positioned too low, which can cause the harness to be in the wrong place in a crash, also increasing the liklihood of injury.

Be vary cautious with any aftermarket products not sold or recommended by the manufacturer of your carseat specifically for the model you have.


thanks! (Evenflo Triumph has foam?)

Thanks for all the information.

I just read that the Evenflo Triumph will also have the energy absorbing foam (can anyone confirm this?). I guess I'll hold off buying the carseat for a month so I can check out the Triumph.

Thanks again!

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