Any tips, stroller seems tippy with diaper bag with stroller straps....


Well-known member
I don't recall this being an issue with my last diaper bag, a lexie Barnes darling (which I lost :) )

I now have a skip hop dash and a jujube be right back and a 2003 mountain buggy. Both bags are okay with the toddlers I watch but not with the 3 month old in it and reclined and the brb was tippy with an empty stroller.

Curious what others do.


New member
I generally try to keep the diaper bag as far forward on the handles as possible and with my lighter-weight strollers I hang the bag by the shoulder strap so it's closer to the ground . Putting some weight in the basket can also help, but with a baby and the stroller fully reclined, you might just need to either carry the diaper bag or put it in the basket for the time-being.


Well-known member
Yeah, won't fit in the basket, the brb is very easy to carry on my back though. I think I'll try taking two bags one with extra clothes that will fit in the basket to weigh it down a bit and then the other bag would be lighter.


New member
I don't remember where I heard this, but it's been a lifesaver for us when we had this issue...

Get some strap on ankle weights (usually available everywhere - Walmart, etc) and strap them onto each leg on the front of the stroller.

We put a set - I think they were 3lbs each - on our lightweight umbrella stroller, and it works great. And, at least for our stroller, it doesn't get in the way of folding it either.

Hopefully that helps!



CPST Instructor
I don't remember where I heard this, but it's been a lifesaver for us when we had this issue...

Get some strap on ankle weights (usually available everywhere - Walmart, etc) and strap them onto each leg on the front of the stroller.

We put a set - I think they were 3lbs each - on our lightweight umbrella stroller, and it works great. And, at least for our stroller, it doesn't get in the way of folding it either.

Hopefully that helps!


Good idea!


New member
I don't remember where I heard this, but it's been a lifesaver for us when we had this issue...

Get some strap on ankle weights (usually available everywhere - Walmart, etc) and strap them onto each leg on the front of the stroller.

We put a set - I think they were 3lbs each - on our lightweight umbrella stroller, and it works great. And, at least for our stroller, it doesn't get in the way of folding it either.

Hopefully that helps!


They used to sell stroller weights, that worked the same, but they were thinner and easier to get on the stroller and did not effect the way the stroller folded, etc...

I haven't seen them in 5+ years though.


New member
I attach my stroller straps to the rear uprights, just above where the basket is attached, It doesn't make the stroller tippy, and is still out of the way. It doesn't work with all bags on all strollers, but it's worth a try.

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