Am I changing it?


New member
So, I'm pretty excited I got it to change on my phone, but it will not change on my surface :(. Hoping my internet service hurries and catches up!
Posted via Mobile Device


Admin - Webmaster
Scratch that. When I posted it redirected me to the new site. Phew.
Posted via Mobile Device

How is it working for you now?

Any feedback on appearance?

I'm also now tweaking a "Mobile Lite" style you can select. Somewhat less clutter than the other one, more similar to how it used to be as far as layout but with the new color scheme.


New member
I LOVE it. I use it both my Q10 and my Surface Pro. The colours are great-- I appreciate that quotes show up in the dark blue/teal, makes it easy to see on the lighter background. The top navigation bar is easy to see/use, and I like the ad placement a lot. The home page is easy to read and navigate.

Overall, I am a big fan, and really appreciate it!
Posted via Mobile Device


Admin - Webmaster
Thank you! Try the lite version and see if that's a little better. I'm still tweaking it a bit but it's mostly done.

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