airplane travel with FPSVD vs GN


New member
I just wanted opinions on whether to take a FPSVD or a GN on a long plane trip from one coast to the other involving switching planes both ways (southwest airline). I know they are both heavy seats so that is probably about equal. I was thinking the GN because it sits lower and the tray table would be usable on the plane but I'm looking for opinions. Has anyone traveled with both of them (or equilvalent seat to the FPSVD) and have insight?
Thanks for any help!
p.s. My parents are renting a minivan for all of us to ride in during the visit so space won't be an issue.


Well-known member
There was an MA vs. GN flying thread a few weeks ago, and many folks voted for the GN. I voted for MA, and will vote for your FPSVD. There is no way I'd want to wrestle the steel reinforced GN through an airport - tray in the plane or no tray. I've flow with 2 RA's before, and will fly with 2 MAs or 1 MA/FPSVD and 1 RA this summer.:)

An Aurora

Senior Community Member
I'd go for the Nauti, but keep in mind that a) you won't be able to use the tray table and b) it doesn't fit through the x-ray machine, so the security person will have to wand it.

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