Airline travel - Recaro ProRide v Coccoro v Scenera?


Hi all,

We are flying with 3 little kids, and connecting flights both ways. I have my kids in 2 ProRides and a ProSport. My choices for the plane are:
1. Take the 3 Recaros, and rent a minivan on arrival
2. Take the ProSport for my 3.5 yo, (40", 34 lbs) and buy 2 Sceneras or 2 Coccoros for the little ones (1 yo, one is 17 lbs, one is 21 lbs), and borrow my brother's 5 seater Dodge Journey.

The cheapest option is the Sceneras, followed by the minivan rental, followed by the Coccoros. The plus side of the Coccoros is they might fit in husband's Dodge Caliber, along with the older daughter's FFing Britax Advocate CS, making them useful beyond this trip. The plus side of the Sceneras is the $$. The plus side of renting a van is the comfort of knowing our seats.

So - the biggest question is how easy/hard is it to install any of these seats in an airplane? Since I'm going to be installing 3 seats in 4 legs of an airplane trip over 4 days, that might be the deciding factor.

Also - any thoughts on the car seat strap thing that attaches it to a rolling bad vs. strapping it to a luggage carrier would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!


New member
I've only used my radian and britax on a plane personally, but I think lots of folks here like both the CCOs and sceneras for planes. I've played with sceneras before and think they're pretty easy to use, especially given how inexpensive they are. Are your kiddos on the big or small side? If they're bigger, that would push me even more toward the sceneras option.

I've used a luggage cart and strapped DS's carseat into a stroller before, and the latter was a lot easier. It just makes more sense to strap them to something you need anyway, IMO (like a bag or stroller), rather than bringing a whole extra piece of equipment. I've seen folks here recommend the traveling toddler, I think. I just use bungees.

ETA: reread your post and saw your kiddos weights. Given you 3.5 YO is 40" (on the tall side, right?) I'd probably be hesitant to spend the cash on the CCOs, unless the two littles tend to be on different growth curves than their older sibling.


CPST Instructor
We have traveled with the Coccoro and I think it's the best travel seat there ever was. If you have uses for them beyond the trip, that's the route I would go.


I was wondering if you ended up traveling with your Recaro ProRides? We're going on a 16 hour flight, direct (no layovers in airports), but it includes a technical stop for refueling. The plane basically stays parked on the tarmac and passengers stay in the plane while the plane is being serviced. Return flight is also direct, shorter at 12 hours. My son, who is 25 lbs., 32.5 inches, is currently RF on his Recaro ProRide. Because we're on direct flights on both legs of the trip, I'm thinking of just using his ProRide and not buy a secondary, travel car seat. (No other plans of air travel other than that.) We're flying coach, bulkhead seats, on a Boeing 744, where seats are 17 wide, and trays are on the armrest which make them immovable. I am wondering how the ProRide will fit in these seats, or if they even do?

20-month old son, started on a Chicco KeyFit 30, now RF on a Recaro ProRide.


New member
We have a Coccoro and it was very easy to travel with. I attached it to the rolling carry on using the Traveling Toddler strap. We wheeled it down the aisle of the plane right to our seat. It's very easy to install (only tried rear facing), similar to installing an infant seat. The Coccoro is very padded and comfy. It has padding under the bum unlike the Scenera.


Active member
I just travelled by myself with Coccoro. I was able to push a stroller and carry the CCO with my other hand with a diaper bag and big purse on each shoulder. Can't imagine doing that with any other carseat, even a light one, because any more bulk or height to the seat and it would have just been too awkward.

It installed in 20 seconds on the plane and the person in front of me could recline enough to not be aware it wasn't all the way.

Totally recommend it!


CPST Instructor
If you have a use for the coccoro outside of travel, it is an awesome seat. Dd2 was ~22# when we last flew together. I could put my arm through the ff handle and carry her out in front of me in the seat while we went down the aisle.

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