Air Travel

Kleine hexe

New member
We're going on a 6 hour flight this summer. I will be taking my Graco SS1, and checking it as lugguage. Is there any type of heavy duty cover I can buy to protect the seat? I've seen how they throw luggage around!

We'll be taking a Radian and taking that on the plane with us. Does it count as a carry-on piece?

Also I will need a booaster for my 8 yr old (45lbs) when we reach our destination. I was planning on buying one online and having it shipped to my brother's. Any recs for a good booster?


Well-known member
I would suggest bringing the SS1 along and gate checking it, which will make it go through a little less abuse than just regular checking it. Or, even better if the flight is not full, asking to be allowed to use an empty seat and using it for the baby. When you choose your seats at check-in ask if the flight is full, and ask to be placed by an empty seat that might be unlikely to be filled, maybe by asking for the two outside seats in a row of 3?

As for a cover, I would either find a large enough box and put some packing materials around the seat to help cushion it or you can buy a large enough heavy duty duffel bag or a carseat travel bag like this:

Evenflo Car Seat Travel & Storage Bag - ( Padded - No Wheels )
Or this for gate-checking items:

I'm not sure about the Radian, maybe it depends on the airline. I am pretty sure that here in Canada, Air Canada does not count a child seat towards your carry-on if you are using it to restrain a child. What airline are you flying with?
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Active member
Car seats are not counted as carry ons as long as you're using them. Your oldest could carry on a backless booster to stow in the overhead bin if the only other carry-on he'd need is his "personal item" (each ticketed passenger can have one carry-on + a personal item). The clek would be a great travel backless booster since it has a carry strap. If you're going to ship or really want a highback, I think the monterey is well recommended now.

Are you planning to put the baby in the radian rearfacing or does s/he not have a ticket? I'm fairly sure the radian is pretty challenging to fit rfing on a plane because of it's recline. It's a dream ffing though if you're using it for the 4 yr old. If you won't bring it on the plane, I would definitely gate check the SS1, *and* protect it. When we flew recently I watched them throw the gate checked car seats and strollers into the plane from the ground:eek:


Well-known member
I forgot about the booster question. Just wanted to add, the Graco Turbo Booster (high back) seems to be a pretty popular choice as well, since it tends to fit most kids well.


New member
I strongly suggest bringing it on with you if possible or at least gate checking it.

This is what happened to my Marathon. It was in a bag made for air travel.

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