'99 Accord rear head support & MyFit questions


Hi, we are thinking of looking at a '99 Accord as a secondary vehicle that will likely transition to being my son's first vehicle. I see online that the photos show no headrests in the back, only seats that are flared at the top. Does anyone have photos of these seats in use by an adult, or experience as to whether it will give proper support to a teen or adult, at least to the top of the ears?

Bonus points if you know if a harnessed MyFit will fit centre rear, or even outboard. I know I will have to retrofit tether anchors. Thanks!


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
I can't see a reason a MyFit won't work.
As far as belt riders, it's going to depend entirely on build. A smaller teen/adult may be ok, a taller one won't

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