4 car seats in a 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe



Can I fit 4 kids and 3 adults in this vehicle? It's just for a week, so we're ok with being squished. I have an , rear facing 2 year old, and then a 4 and 5 year old.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
Can I fit 4 kids and 3 adults in this vehicle? It's just for a week, so we're ok with being squished. I have an , rear facing 2 year old, and then a 4 and 5 year old.
Hi! It's going to depend a lot on what seats you are working with. What seats are they in?

Suzanne again

I have a bunch of options.
Graco Nautilus
4 ever dlx
Extend 2fit (the 2 in 1)
2x Slimfit 3lx
Diono Radian
Chicco Keyfit
My Fit
Next fit

The baby will be old enough for the KeyFit or a convertible. The other hang up is that we need to fly with 3 seats. The 4ever is already at the destination.


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
You can probably make it work with narrow enough seats. I assume the baby is already at the destination since you didn't list them in the post? If the baby can be in the Keyfit that's a better bet than the 4Ever which is very wide. Of the seats listed I would choose the 2 SlimFit3 LX and the MyFit as the most likely to work in this scenario.

Suzanne agai

Sorry, I forgot to list the baby earlier! All 4 kids will be flying together (5, 4, 2, 6mo). 5yo will use a CARES harness on the plane and we will have access to a 4ever when we get there, so just bringing 3 seats.

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