3 across - Narrow highback boosters


Hi all-

We are thinking about moving from a minivan to a smaller 3-across car (Ford C-Max is the top of the list right now). We have another minivan, so it'll rarely have all 3 kids in it. I was able to get 2 Britax Frontier Click tights and Bumble Bum in for the test drive.

Short term, I'll probably install our 2 Foonfs and then a HBB. (We have an Oobr and a Recaro ProSport as boosters now, and a Turbobooster for carpooling.) We have a Radian RXT if I can't get a booster to fit, but our almost 7 year old would not appreciate the 5 pt harness.

In a few years, I'll have 2 six year olds and an eight year old, and want 3 boosters across. I've heard the Harmony V6 is narrow, but can't find many reviews. Thoughts? What about the Dreamtime v. Dreamtime 2? I've seen reviews of the Dreamtime 2, but only the Dreamtime is a IIHS best bet. I've also head the Maxi Cosi Rodi AP is good because it doesn't have arms, so it's easier to buckle.

Anyone have experience with 3 boosters in a row?



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I'd honestly check back in a few years. The selection will have changed, and I hope more narrow high back boosters are available as options! They're sorely lacking.

The Harmony Dreamtime/V6 is narrow, but short. Maybe in a couple of years something like that and something like a BubbleBum may work. But we'd be able to give you recommendations then.


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