3 Across 2023 Tucson




I am considering buying a 2023 Tucson, but am wondering if anyone has had any success fitting 3 across?

My kids:

45", 44lb 6.5 year old who is currently FF in a Graco Nautilus 65.

37", 27lb 3.5 year old, RF in a Graco4ever

Baby on the way who I'd like in an infant seat, preferably Graco since that will attach to our stroller.

Is 3 across doable in this vehicle?


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member

I am considering buying a 2023 Tucson, but am wondering if anyone has had any success fitting 3 across?

My kids:

45", 44lb 6.5 year old who is currently FF in a Graco Nautilus 65.

37", 27lb 3.5 year old, RF in a Graco4ever

Baby on the way who I'd like in an infant seat, preferably Graco since that will attach to our stroller.

Is 3 across doable in this vehicle?
While you can conceivably get 3 across in this vehicle, the seats are somewhat contoured and the middle position is narrow. You'd likely need to replace one or both of your current seats, and get a narrow seat for baby (likely not a Graco.)
I would suggest taking your seats to the dealership and asking to install them for a test drive, to see what kind of space you're working with before you decide.

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