2011 Honda Odyssey Carseat Q&A


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Shopping for a new family-friendly 3-row vehicle in general or a Honda Odyssey minivan in specific? If you have carseat questions regarding the all new 2011 Honda Odyssey, please ask here! I have a small selection of child seats on hand to verify compatibility, including a Britax Marathon 70, Sunshine Kids Radian XTSL, Recaro ProSport, Graco Snugride 30, Britax B-safe, Britax Frontier 85, Cosco Scenera, Safety 1st Go and a few others.

I may be able to answer questions regarding safety, features or general issues, but no guarantees! The model I have for review is a Touring version with leather seating. Many answers can be found by searching our archives in our reviews at CarSeatBlog:




Questions regarding comparisons to other vehicles or 2010 and earlier Honda Odyssey vans should be asked in a separate thread. Thank you!


New member
Re: 2011 Honda Odyssey Caseat Q&A

Glad I found this! I am becoming an expert on this van.

I've gotten some feedback before, though limited as the vehicle is new. I am wondering what's best for baby when he outgrows bucket (And I plan to ERF). The limitation? It must fit on that 8th seat RF and FF with no issues AND outboard middle row (which should be easy). He could end up in either of these locations. Beside him will be the Advocate with side wings, either RF or FF. So even on wide mode space is an issue. I will use latch RF but for FF I will have to do seatbelt as child will likely be 40 lbs.

I'd LIKE to go with a Boulevard. Maybe Marathon? But my big thing is head protection. :) In the future when baby is FF I plan to stick a Radian in the 8th seat as it's narrow and easy to climb into. The big question...does a seatbelt install work there? I am thinking no but I have no idea. I wouldn't really want to trust SL if I had that anyway.

I've got a Radian FF Radian seatbelt install outboard 3rd row. Did you get a solid install? Whew! I did the recline mode, by the way.
I'm going to put the Frontier 85 there (longbelt) eventually.

The kids are growing so fast I have to keep up with our seating arrangements, etc :)


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Re: 2011 Honda Odyssey Caseat Q&A

Kecia's review (bottom link) has a lot of information on the Radian. I know she had some problems using it rear-facing, especially in the 2nd row middle seat. I have not put any carseats in the Odyssey yet, except the couple models Honda had on hand in my preview (first two links). I'd be happy to try specific installs for you later this week if Kecia didn't cover them!


New member
Re: 2011 Honda Odyssey Caseat Q&A

I already have a 2011 ody but am always wondering what convertible seats are options rear facing for the 2nd row middle seat. I'd love your opinion on the new gen britax seats especially or any other convertible you have.


New member
Re: 2011 Honda Odyssey Caseat Q&A

I already have a 2011 ody but am always wondering what convertible seats are options rear facing for the 2nd row middle seat. I'd love your opinion on the new gen britax seats especially or any other convertible you have.

I used the MA RF in the middle. it worked nicely!


Admin - CPS Technician
All right. Some of this info may be in the previous reviews but... Yeah.

So. If I need two rear-facers in the second row, how does my boostered kid get into the third row without going through the hatch? You can't move one of the captain's chairs to the middle, right? Can I remove one of them and just have the one captains chair and the +1? Or would my kid have to duck under one of the seats?

Would a Complete Air and a Coccoro fit RF in the second row (with the CCO on the +1 probably)? They're so narrow of imagine so, but... (ETA: Can I get the Coccoro in there with the SEAT BELT? I remember Heather saying there's something weird about the belt there.)
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New member
We have either the new Advocate CS 70 in the 8th seat or the Chaperone. They seem to work great latched but correct me if I'm wrong.

I think I want to put the new Complete Air convertible SE in the third row RF once my 3-year-old gets too tall for her Advocate (RF in 3rd row), just to buy a bit of time RF. I THINK this would fit? I could not get my Radian upright enough and it totally rested on the seat in front way too much, so I'm done trying that.


Admin - Webmaster
I already have a 2011 ody but am always wondering what convertible seats are options rear facing for the 2nd row middle seat. I'd love your opinion on the new gen britax seats especially or any other convertible you have.

I have a Marathon 70 and Roundabout 55. I can install one RF this week and post a photo/comments, though it sounds like others confirm they work well there.

All right. Some of this info may be in the previous reviews but... Yeah.

So. If I need two rear-facers in the second row, how does my boostered kid get into the third row without going through the hatch? You can't move one of the captain's chairs to the middle, right? Can I remove one of them and just have the one captains chair and the +1? Or would my kid have to duck under one of the seats?

Would a Complete Air and a Coccoro fit RF in the second row (with the CCO on the +1 probably)? They're so narrow of imagine so, but... (ETA: Can I get the Coccoro in there with the SEAT BELT? I remember Heather saying there's something weird about the belt there.)

You can remove a captain's chair to have an aisle, but it is heavy to remove and large to store. Also, if one captains chair has no carseats in it (or something like a Safety 1st Go, vest or backless booster), then it will move forward and fold to allow third row access on that side.

We have either the new Advocate CS 70 in the 8th seat or the Chaperone. They seem to work great latched but correct me if I'm wrong.

I think I want to put the new Complete Air convertible SE in the third row RF once my 3-year-old gets too tall for her Advocate (RF in 3rd row), just to buy a bit of time RF. I THINK this would fit? I could not get my Radian upright enough and it totally rested on the seat in front way too much, so I'm done trying that.

I do not have a CA or Coccoro on hand, sorry!


New member
Thanks Darren. I find that the side edges of the Britax hang over which just seems weird to me... Especially when it is in the spaced out seat mode.

I find the CCO slips a lot in this car. It can be installed but I think it should be better with the new upgrades to the CCO.


Admin - CPS Technician
Slippy Coccoro + inability to move captains chair over = we'll stick to looking at the older models. Thanks for the info, guys! :)


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
I think the slight overhang on the sides is fine, it's not even an inch and well over 80% of the base is still on the cushion.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQJmJv6YS7A"]YouTube - ‪2011OdysseyMA70.MOV‬‏[/ame]


New member
In a few months I'll be switching my girl to a RF Radian XTSL (unless they come out with something new by then).

IF this will fit behind the passenger...then I'll want to RF tether. (By fit, with enough room for a tall adult to still sit)?

I'm nervous about the RF tether. Anywhere I could drive to and get help when I do this? It's a very specific thing (RF tethering in the 11 Odyssey) and I'd need someone who knows how to take the trim off and do this. Or at least with the knowledge to cheer me on. With an older/heavier kid, RF tethering is something I want to do! And this is all assuming the seat fits there for us as a tall family. Otherwise she'll be FF in a few months.

I'm in Elk Grove Village, IL.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
In a few months I'll be switching my girl to a RF Radian XTSL (unless they come out with something new by then).

IF this will fit behind the passenger...then I'll want to RF tether. (By fit, with enough room for a tall adult to still sit)?

I'm nervous about the RF tether. Anywhere I could drive to and get help when I do this? It's a very specific thing (RF tethering in the 11 Odyssey) and I'd need someone who knows how to take the trim off and do this. Or at least with the knowledge to cheer me on. With an older/heavier kid, RF tethering is something I want to do! And this is all assuming the seat fits there for us as a tall family. Otherwise she'll be FF in a few months.

I'm in Elk Grove Village, IL.

If you want to make a trip to Naperville in the next 3 months, I will show you in person, free of charge;-) The trim piece Kecia mentioned in her video really pops off with just your hand, no tools necessary.

I can also do an installation of a carseat in your vehicle, but I do charge a fee unless I happen to be volunteering at a checkup event where you can ask for me.


New member
We're buying a 2011 Odyssey on Friday. We currently have DS RF in a TF and DD in a Baby Trend Flex Loc. I'm looking for a convertible to get for DD (or I can get seats for both if necessary) that would allow me to RF them both in the center and the passenger seats in the second row, leaving the driver side seat open to access the third row.

Looking at the blog, maybe a Radian is the best bet. Anyone have other suggestions? My kids are small (DS is only 27lbs at almost 3, but he's tall) so getting a taller shell is more important than getting a higher weight limit.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member

The 2nd row seats are spaced apart enough in "wide" mode to accomodate most seats side-by-side. You would probably not need a Radian in terms of it being narrow enough to fit. If weight limits aren't as important as height limits, what about another True Fit? If you like the one you have, that might be a good choice, too.

Unfortunately, I do not have a TF on hand to test this week, sorry!


New member
Another True Fit would be awesome. I'll try DS's seat in the center seat after we get the van, to see if the driver side seat will move enough to access the third row with it in the middle.



CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
If you don't mind having each seat outboard, you can remove the center seat for an aisle, too.

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