2002 Subaru Forester - Safe? Carseat Compatible?



My fiance and I are looking at purchasing a 2002 Subaru Forester. We know that the AWD is a great feature. We would like this car to last us a long time, even when we start a family. Has anyone had any trouble installing carseats? The back seat is a little short on leg room. Also, the car we are looking at (slightly used) is not LATCH equipped, but it does have upper tethers.

Any experience or info about the Forester would be appreciated.


CPSDarren - Admin
Staff member
Forester is nice-

I thought the Forester had LATCH when it was updated for 2001, and I am almost positive it had lower anchors for 2002. It might be worth checking again, since my memory is not the greatest:)

The Forester is one of the better small SUVs for crashworthiness, along with the Saturn Vue and 2002-2003 Honda CR-V.

I think 1999-2002 Forester models are pretty similar for seating otherwise. You can check those years for compatible seats by visiting the "Compatibility" link under the top banner, to the far right.

Finally, you might also consider the 2000 and newer Subaru Legacy and Outback wagons. The size is very similar to the Forester, if not a hair larger. We really like our Outback!


New member
Better late than never

By now you've probably either bought the Forester or a different car. I just wanted to say that I have a 2003 Forester and I've been very happy with the way my son's car seats have fit in the back. We evn have a Britax Husky back there. My worry though is that when we have baby #2, the rear facing seat won't recline enough. The back seat area is pretty small compared with my Honda CRV. I love my Forester though!

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