2001 Nissan Pathfinder



I am trying to find an infant seat for a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder. My wife found a web site (not sure which site this was) that listed only 2 infant seats as being compatible with this automobile, and they had both been discontinued.

Help please, or else I am going to have to buy a new car.


New member
LOL, I wouldn't jump immediately to buying a new car :p

Go to BRU or similar store, and ask to try different seats in the back. They'll hold your driver's license and let you take the floor models out to your car to experiment.

My guess is you'll almost definitely get a Graco Snugride in there, if nothing else.


Senior Community Member
I installed a Rfing Britax in a 2005 Pathfinder..and also I did a search for your ehicle and found that Britaxs install nicely

As far as infant carried, I would recomend the Graco Safe Seat 1. It really is an easy isntall in most cars. With its built in lockoff, its the easiest seatbelt install ever. Do you live near a Babies R Us or Target...I would go somewhere that will let you try the install first..


New member
That website isn't all-inclusive; parents need to send in their own data to be compiled there.

Babies R Us is a wonderful place because they have a wide variety of seats (usually) and allow you to try them in your car. Pay attention to which seats have front harness adjusters (a tug-strap between the legs), that is MUCH easier than a rear harness adjuster. Also pay attention to which ones require the handle to be down in the car, and which ones require the handle to be up in the car, and which ones allow it either way (yes, believe it or not, all of those are possible options). Also, you should know that Evenflo infant seats require the handle down, and that they also require 1.5 inches of clearance between the handle and the front seat(s).

Happy shopping! :)

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