Question 2 rear facing seats, tall husband?


We just got new car seats - Peg Perrego 5-70s. One of the reasons we picked them was that they were smaller than others while rear facing. (We have 2 RFing infants and a FFing 3.5 year old in a Britax Advocate CS)

So... my husband is pretty tall - 6'2" - and needs the seat all the way back to drive. I drive an 09 Honda Odyssey LX. When I'm driving, I have the 2 infants in the captains' seats, and the toddler in the 3rd row, outboard. I've moved the side captains chair to the middle position so I can lean in and buckle the toddler. Husband can't get seat back far enough when the seats are in the middle row, I can't get the babies in and out of the car seats easily when they are in the 3rd row. (I've had my spine fused and don't twist well.) They are only 9 months, so we have a while to go on the RFing (I hope.)

I suspect this means we are going to have to trade in for a new car - bummer. I had hoped this minivan would last 10+ years.

Looking for a new car, the ideal vehicle would let me get all 3 kids across in the 2nd row (even if we need to change the britax to another seat, which I suspect we will b/c the side pillows are huge.) It would allow husband to get the seat back when there is a RFing kid behind him. And there would be a fold-down third row for carrying groceries/ double stroller/ gear for 3 kids for now, with seats available for when the carpooling to soccer/ dance/ whatever starts in a few years.

Any thoughts? Thanks!


New member
Does he lean his seat back as well? I installed a Graco MR behind the driver's seat in my 2010 put that seat all the way back and was able to have the front seat all the way back so I'm surprised you can't fit a seat there. Can


New member
Unless you want a new vehicle I think you can get three across in your current vehicle. Not sure what the pegs are like at all though. Have you tried searching the plus one thread you can fit a number of seats there. If you are open to new seats I"m quite sure you could come upwith something. Couple things that could possibly work RF MR passenger/RF MR plus one/FF britax(possible drivers) Or you might even be able to get a peg plus that britax RF(if this is one that'll fit on the plus one) than get a new FF seat. Also see if the Peg will fit on the Plus one

I guess first does this van have a plus one?
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New member
My husband is the same height and can drive with a RF seat behind him in smaller vehicles, currently a CCO in an Impreza, but many other seated and other vehicles. He just has to sit more upright than he usually does.


New member
My dh got used to it by moving seat forward and steering wheel up a little. So he sits more like in a truck seat than low like in a car.. If that makes sense. He got used to it because of the car seats.

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