Why Did My Post Not Appear? Why can't I register? How do I Search?

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Why Did My Post Not Appear?

Posts from approved, registered members should almost always appear within a few seconds after you click the "Post Thread" button. At peak times, it may take a few seconds longer. If your post does not appear this quickly, the reason is probably because you have not been approved as a full-access Registered member.

You may be allowed to post messages to this forum before your account has been approved and before you have confirmed your email address. In some forums, we allow visitors to post anonymously as a guest without registration. In all these cases, posts must be moderated. It may take a few hours or even overnight to approve these posts before they appear to the public, so please keep checking back. Car-Seat.Org does not log or process anonymous user data except temporarily for spam prevention purposes. Posts from outside the USA or Canada may not be approved, especially in countries affected by GDPR or similar regulations.

To gain full access to forum features and instant posting privileges, you must register . Please make sure you have allowed emails from car-seat.org to pass your email and spam filters. Once you have registered, you will receive an email to the address you entered, asking you for a confirmation to activate it. After you follow the instructions in the email and confirm the address, your account must be approved. This may take up to a few days or more, but will usually be quicker if you have already posted one or more messages and had them moderated. Once you are a Registered member, you will have full access to many options and your posts will appear instantly.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Our forums have allowed unregistered posts from visitors and before member approval for almost 20 years to allow parents to ask questions without the prying eyes of facebook, relatives or other privacy concerns. The downside is that it can take some time for our automated systems and moderators to approve visitor posts. If you do not wish to register at this time, please be patient with our moderators and try looking for your post later or the following day. Thank you!

If you need immediate help, we also have a Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/carseatorg

Why Can't I Register?


Due to ongoing spammer and hacker attacks, our forum uses a number of automated systems to reduce spam. These may inadvertently cause legitimate people to be flagged as a spammer, especially in cases where your IP address or computer network had previously been assigned to a known spammer. Registrations are only accepted from the USA and Canada at this time.

Our registration system does allow members to use anonymous email addresses, usernames and other information. For approval, you must confirm the email address used. A simple verification quiz is also used. The answer is usually a simple sum of numbers, such as "1", "two", "THREE" or "Four". You may use the actual number symbol or spell out the number as a word. The word may be capitalized or lower case, it does not matter.

Once you register, it may take a day or two to be approved. Like with visitor posts, any posts from members waiting for registration approval are subject to moderator approval delays.

If your registration is rejected or if you do not receive a confirmation email, you may also Contact US at this link or send an email to "webmaster" at "car-seat.org". We can help you through the process of registration or guest posting as a visitor.

How Do I Search For Information in the Car-Seat.Org Archives?

The Car-Seat.Org forums have an extensive database of posts that cover many questions. You may be able to find answers to your questions without starting a new thread on a topic that has already been covered many times.

There is a quick search utility on the pull-down action bar near the top of the page. The default search will give you the threads that contain posts that match your requests but you can also click the "Show Posts" option that will include links directly to the posts that match your search. An advanced search option can be found on this page:

Car-Seat.Org Forums Search

If you prefer to use a Google search, it also has an archive of posts in our forums. There is a new Google Site Search bar near the bottom of every webpage at Car-Seat.Org. You may also find an advanced Google search of our forums here:

Google Advanced Search of Car-Seat.org Forums

Registration and email verification are now required for full access to our forums. Limited posting access to this forum may be allowed for guests and users who have registered but have not confirmed their email address or been approved as a Registered User. Until this process is completed, posts on this forum will be moderated and can take up to a day to appear.

Please also see our Terms of Service / Guidelines and Privacy Policy.

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