Graco Contender On Sun Country?


New member
I’m flying with my 4yo for the first time with her Contender on Sun Country. Will it fit? My other flying seats have been outgrown or recycled due to expiration. And I have never flown Sun Country with Kids.

Mama bear to 4 now


New member
I should have stated she is FF now. I also have a My Ride at my disposal if that would work better...

My tickets say it is a Boeing 737-700. I will buy something else if necessary because I do NOT want a checked/damaged car seat/fight. We need a vacation, not an extra headache! Contendor, My Ride or something else?

Mama bear to 4 now


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
It should fit (Contender more than MyRide)but if you want to maximize space next to the seat and leg room, there are other seats that may give you more space. Weight and height?


New member
1. She is 35#, 41” standing height and 22.5ish sitting height (floor to top of head). It will be used for this flight, once per week in a 2011 Odyssey and probably another flight next year. She is FF.

2. My daughter just turned 4.5. At what age do the airlines tell you you can’t use a car seat?

I thought the Contender was my last car seat purchase. I liked the lack of latchplate in the back. But I will take the latch plate issue if something else will for sure work & provide more space...

Thank you!!!


Well-known member
2. My daughter just turned 4.5. At what age do the airlines tell you you can’t use a car seat?

My youngest is about the same size. We flew a couple of months ago when she was 4y10m. No one batted an eye when we brought her car seat on board. (This was on American, not Sun Country, though.)


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
You could look at a Maestro for a cheap lightweight travel seat. It would give a bit more room and could be a backup for several years to come.

On all US-based airlines, there is no age limit for a carseat. FAA rules require they allow you to use any FAA-approved seat you bring on board as long as your child fits and it can be properly installed regardless of age. I've put a 6 year old in a carseat on a flight; the only question was "is it for a ticketed child?"


New member
Picked up a Maestro. Should I wait until our return to install the cup holders? Will the tray table work if we don’t have them in?

Thank you SO much!!!


CPST and ketchup snob
Staff member
You cannot use the seat without either cupholders or plugs (which you can order on Evenflo's site if you don't want to put the cupholders in.) Once you put one or the other in they are in for good. The tray may not lie completely flat but should be almost flat and useable.

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