ISO high weight limit stroller


Ambassador - CPS Technician
Is anyone selling a good, high weight limit stroller? I care for my 6.5yo nephew a lot and he has special needs so he requires a stroller. Let me know!


I wish I hadn't already sold my City Elite!! Keep an eye out for one of those, or a Summit. The CE is awesome for big kids.


New member
Yeah, the Baby Jogger City Elite or Summit would be ideal (75lb weight limit and high canopy) she didn't fit in the Bob Revolution but did fit in the Baby Joggers. My 11 yo fits in our Maclaren Quest (55lb weight limit)


New member
The baby jogger strollers would be best, but if Maclarens are easier, I've let a 60-75 lb kid ride in my maclaren & it has held up fine.


Active member
I wish you were closer you could totally borrow my city elite. I used it with m&e but now it's just sitting in storage until I have my own cause I like it that much! If you're ever around Kentucky your welcome to it.


New member
Is he pretty tall too? I loved my joovy zoom 360 and my son rode in it at 6 with no problem. But it is shorter backed than most.


Ambassador - CPS Technician
He's pretty average height wise.

I don't know what to do now. He can walk; it's just a lot for him and he always wants to be picked up. We need it for our big trips- museums, zoo, etc.

Thank you so much for the offer munchkin!


Active member
Have they tried going through insurance to get a special needs stroller or a wheel chair?

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Ambassador - CPS Technician
Have they tried going through insurance to get a special needs stroller or a wheel chair? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They had a special needs stroller when he wasn't walking, but I guess it was being rented to them by his previous school.


New member
Even if he can walk he might still qualify for a stroller or wheelchair to be covered (by insurance) for "community transport" when the distances are more than he can endure.


New member
I just got rid of my jogging stroller. They seem to have the highest weight limits. Mine was 75 lbs!

It was not an expensive one but it was brand new and I got it on Ebay for 50.00 It lasted 10 years!


Ambassador - CPS Technician
I just got rid of my jogging stroller. They seem to have the highest weight limits. Mine was 75 lbs!

It was not an expensive one but it was brand new and I got it on Ebay for 50.00 It lasted 10 years!

Darn! Let me know if you know anyone selling one!

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