Covers for sale! KF30, SR22, TB's, and a couple extras!


Well-known member
Chicco Keyfit30 cover (bottom insert and canopy NOT included). Orange. EEUC. $30 shipped. SOLD

Snugride 22 rear adjust cover with canopy (includes plastic canopy support). VGUC. $20 shipped.

Snugride winter boot. $10 shipped.

Turbo backless booster cover. EEUC. $15 shipped.

Turbo backless booster cover (seat not included). EUC. $15 shipped.

Cosco Highrise backless booster cover. $8 shipped.
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Active member
I might be interested in the keyfit cover. Is there any way for you to compare it to the Eqinox fashion? My baby gets very sweaty, and wondering if the one you have might be cooler. Thanks!


Well-known member
I might be interested in the keyfit cover. Is there any way for you to compare it to the Eqinox fashion? My baby gets very sweaty, and wondering if the one you have might be cooler. Thanks!

I have never owned the equinox cover so I'm sorry but I can't compare the two. Maybe you could start a thread asking about it. :)


Well-known member
Have any radians with just a year or two left?

Sorry only one RN left and we are still using it right now. And believe it or not I only own 5 harnessed seats at this time. 2 FR85's, 1 GN, 1 RXT, and 1 MR. Gavin outgrew the MR but I'm using it for my niece at the moment.

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