warning: sensitive content, case study


Jennifer mom to my 7

Well-known member
ooh, look what I found. I am sure it has been posted, but...

Transport Canada DID do a crash test study with the 6 year old hybrid III dummy, in a harnessed seat (over the Canadian weight limits), a regular high back booster, and a high back booster latched and? tethered. (and the 10 year old and 5% female, comparing also front and rear seats in the vehicle).



Conclusion was that the neck loads were elevated, but the overall injury risk couldn't be determined.


Ambassador - CPS Technician
I've never seen it before - thanks for posting. I got all excited that we might see some change over there... and then saw that the date was June 2008.

I want to look at the Canadian study too, but that will need to wait until tomorrow.


New member
I am eternally thankful for the wonderful advice and guidance offered by c-s.org. When I cam on I had just turned my 16 month old (you know because his legs were squished). I quickly learned that I needed to RF him again. I also had just taken my 8year old out of his booster. I had no idea about the 5 step test.

So thank you everyone. With what I've learned I've been able to help so many others.


CPST Instructor
Wow, that was a very interesting (and devastating) read. :( Thanks for bringing it over here, I think there is a lot to be learned from that, and it's upsetting to know that in the nearly three years since that was published, it doesn't seem that there have been any changes made over there.


Moderator - CPST Instructor
The Canadian study certainly seems to support harnessing of children in the age 4 to 6 yr age group. I've read it before but it's definitely been awhile since I've read it.

I found this comment interesting:

"k. In a 2002 study Sherwood et al conducted sled testing with the Hybrid III 6-year-old dummy and compared the responses to a cadaver test. The authors concluded that the stiffness of the dummy spine contributed to high neck forces and moments that were not representative of the injury potential."

However, while loads may be lower overall, it's likely that they are still equal. If anything I'd expect a more accurate measurement to reflect higher loads to the boostered dummy especially in those cases where the shoulder belt slipped off the shoulder and the dummy's torso went forward further than it otherwise would've.

If neck forces are pretty much equal between booster and 5pt harness, but there is less force on the chest in the 5pt harness, then it seems to support harnessing possibly being preferable to a booster in that age group, and if nothing else definitely no increased risk.

I do find it concerning to see the lapbelt still riding up in to the abdomen of the 5th percentile female dummy.


New member
Anyone know what happened to the link? I can't get it to work and wanted to share it:shrug-shoulders:

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