Baby Carrier Industry Alliance - Attention all Babywearers!


Well-known member
Anyone who wears their babies in any kind of carrier, be it a stretchy wrap, Woven Wrap, Snuglie, Bjorn, Ergo and other like carriers, Pouches, ring sling, and Framed back carriers, WE NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT!! As of next week, its believe that it will be the end of babywearing as we know it. There is a MAJOR recall in the works.

The CPSC is trying to shut down anything that has the potential to be unsafe for children (see today's recall of Fisher-Price toys for example). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you wear you baby in ANY way, think about donating $2, $5, or whatever you can to the BCIA
Better yet, join their membership and be up to date on all the news when it happens!!

They are fighting to keep this industry ALIVE!! If noone fights it, we can pretty much kiss it good bye! We will see ALL babywearing vendors one by one forced to put out recalls, or shut their doors! HELP US!!!


New member
I don't understand what's going on. Because there are TONS of things out there will be dangerous to children. Why are carriers targeted?


Admin - CPS Technician
I'm a big baby-wearing fan, but I don't quite get this either.

I assume this has to do with the recent recall of actually-dangerous slings, and they're afraid the recall will extend to other types of carriers?

The CPSC has always been in the business of recalling dangerous items. That's sort of what they do, by definition.

I didn't see anything on the alliance's website indicating and imminent shutdown of their industry. If there is ever a bill introduced that would outlaw carriers or babywearing, I would do something without a doubt. But I'm not comfortable donating to an organization on the premise that something *might* happen.


Well-known member
There is nothing on their website yet, but those who are in the know with the BCIA have been told to prepare for it. I am waiting on a email this afternoon with more info and will post when I get it.

But do you know of the company Hot Slings? She was forced to shut her door, because the CPSC was trying to force her to put out a recall on her slings, when there wasn't a need to.

The CPSC is basically trying to force recalls on any style of carrier who's rim *can* go above the baby's head (rings, pouches, wraps, etc). Due to their being deaths in these types of carriers. Which is sad, yes, but it doesn't mean that the whole babywearing community needs to be put out. There have been recalls on one type of car seat, and yet all the others are still safe.

This all started with the Infatino Bag slings, where there were 7 deaths. The BCIA is trying to regulate the standards in which instructions are written, and provided to the customer, and how carriers are made.


Admin - CPS Technician
Please do pass along any information you get.

Whoever is doing PR for them should also send the information to Mothering Magazine. They'll get the word out for sure.


Senior Community Member
I was just coming here to make sure this had posted. This is very near and dear to my heart and this possible mass recall is terrifying to me. There is no reason for it. New parents need to be educated on safe babywearing practices. Taking away our choices and our right to babywear is not the answer.


New member
I didn't see anything on the alliance's website indicating and imminent shutdown of their industry. If there is ever a bill introduced that would outlaw carriers or babywearing, I would do something without a doubt. But I'm not comfortable donating to an organization on the premise that something *might* happen.
Thank you for posting this. I am very active on The Babywearer where, obviously, this is getting a lot of attention. I just didn't feel comfortable expressing this sentiment there, but I know I am not the only one. I do want to support the BCIA, but I can't donate when there is no information other than people telling me something bad is coming.

I'd love to get the word out, but there really isn't any practical info I can find to share. I know the BCIA is working hard and is in a tight spot, but maybe they can get some info out that we could pass on to businesses or otherwise. I can't just walk into my local BWing store and say, you should give money to the BCIA because the industry is in trouble, you know?


New member
well I have put myself in a stash freeze so not a thing of mine is going to be sold till I know I could possibly replace it. But with any industry it will recover...if only because the EU loves slings and baby carriers and you can always import/find a means of getting it either by way of Canada and elsewhere.

I can volunteer my time but as far as money goes I just can't.


Well-known member
Crap lost my post

You don't need to donate money, you can donate your time....

This is from the BCIA FB page

We need YOU. TODAY. Lots of help is critical to the work we will accomplish in the next 12 hours -- you can work from your couch. Email joanna at metrominis dot com. Let her know what state you are in -- and if you can volunteer to send emails, make phone calls, and/or do online research.
Congress people in Arkansas, Mississippi, Illinois, South Carolina, North Carolina, Minnesota and Kentucky are especially influential. If you are from one of those states, we need you desperately.


New member
The CPSC is targeting soft carriers such as pouches, ring slings, wraps, and mei tais.

It is very possible that they are going to issue a mandatory recall next week on a product that has sold hundreds of thousands of units with one death -- that the coroner ruled was not related to the baby being carried in the product.

I am all for recalls of unsafe baby products, but the CPSC has got the bit between its teeth and is pushing to make its mark even in the absence of evidence of true harm from a product. There are huge health and safety benefits to using soft carriers, which have been documented -- better muscle development, better growth and digestion, better neurological development, increased likelihood of breastfeeding success, all those good kangaroo care benefits of skin to skin/body to body contact.

When you look at documented deaths in baby carriers per units sold, they are by far one of the safest if not the safest nursery product out there, yet the CPSC has targeted this industry and really could care less if parents don't have good baby carrier options any more.

Yet with such a recall parents will only hear the message "baby carriers are BAD and DANGEROUS" and will stay away in droves.

Think about it this way -- what if there were a recall on all infant seats because of the numbers of babies who have been injured and died in infant seats when in use outside of a car? (I.e. all the babies who have been injured and died when they flipped their bucket seats off a counter or out of a grocery cart front basket).

People would hear the message that "infant car seats are BAD and DANGEROUS," not the message that *when used improperly outside of the car* infant car seats may not be safe.

And the makers of high-quality, comfortable baby carriers are in a much more precarious position than the makers of infant car seats to a) withstand the economic impacts of a recall, b) get the message out to consumers, and c) fight against an over-zealous regulatory body that cares more about its PR image of protecting babies than it does about the scientific evidence to back up its actions.


Admin - CPS Technician
I'm coming at this from the standpoint of a mom who absolutely LOVES babywearing, but also from the standpoint of a woman who worked for years doing public relations/public outreach/public affairs work for non-profit organizations and government agencies.

All the information so far is so vague that it makes me confused and skeptical. I don't know: Maybe that's some of the help they need. But I can't commit to email people until I know what I'm emailing them about. "Something bad is happening!" isn't going to do it. Facts and figures are.

WHAT exactly, is happening? WHAT is the standard that is going to be introduced? Will that standard actually put companies out of business? What will companies need to do to comply? Is that realistic? If not, why not? What changes need to be made?

Regarding the company that has already closed its doors: What did CPSC say to them? Did they shut down because they were actually out of compliance with something, or just because they worried that they would be, or what?

The association needs to come up with a list of action items and a list of talking points.

The talking points need to include FACTS about what has happened and what is going to happen. They need to include facts about babywearing.

The action items need to be specific: Write to your senator, write to your congressperson. (Give a link so people can find out how to do that.) Give them links to the pertinent people with CPSC and anyone else who needs to be contacted. Tell people to email the talking points and action items to their mothering groups, friends, health food stores, whatever.

Grassroots efforts like this don't need to cost a lot of money, and asking for donations might have gotten things off on the wrong foot. Yes, PR professionals can cost upwards of $200/hour, but they don't NEED professionals. Just better organization and a clear plan.


New member
I'm with LISmama. The BCIA needs to put out a FIRM document, explaining the issue and exactly what is going on before anyone can be of much help. What is happening right now, with people going "OMG SOMETHING BAD IS HAPPENING" comes across as fear-mongering which, longterm, actually hurts your position more than anything the CPSC can do.


Well-known member
you can't ask those you have me wondering :lol:

No but really you have VERY VERY valid points. To the point that I'm posing the question on their FB fan page. Because they've been talking about this 'threat' for the last few days, but there are no facts....this is all going on what someone else has said. No public documentation.

Even the info we got as a member of the BCIA, is very vague.


Admin - CPS Technician
Shanora, feel free to email them my whole post if you want. It might help them get on a better track.

If my life weren't so unpredictable right now I'd volunteer some PR services, but I don't have time at the moment.


Senior Community Member
Thus is from TheBabyWearer:

Dear Babywearing Enthusiast:

It is time to BRACE YOURSELF!

A recall of a major baby carrier is being forced through this week. We want you to understand how this has been handled and to appreciate the immediacy of the problem!

* Company was informed by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) that, after several years, a closed investigation of their product was being reopened.

* Company was told by the CPSC to issue a recall of every product back more than ten years, and to discontinue sales, while admitting that there is no product flaw.

* Company stopped all sales, with the intention of clearing up the matter and reopening shortly.

* Company asked for the Health and Science report that the CPSC later claimed to have, indicating the need for a recall.

* CPSC has NEVER complied; inside word is that there is NOT a Health and Science report.

* Company was sent two draft press releases and asked to voluntarily recall their product or the CPSC would issue a unilateral recall (a forced recall) which included inflammatory language as well as a threat to pursue action against entire class of baby sling products.

* Company held fast, knowing that the product is safe and a benefit to babies and stated they would be willing to work with the CPSC on a public education campaign about sling safety.

* CPSC asked for Company’s financials.

* Company complied.

* CPSC said to company “You are no longer in business, we don’t need your cooperation in order to recall! Prepare to DESTROY all product next week!” Next week is International Babywearing week!


The CPSC has overstepped their bounds, and are bullying small, family businesses who make safe products!

This is only the beginning, according to the CPSC’s own words they want to eradicate the whole class of product!

A line has been drawn in the sand! Will you help fight the good fight with us? If you care that these products are available to you, to babies, to families across our country, ACT NOW!

If you are represented by any one of these legislators, please call and write to them NOW, before this recall happens. We are asking just a few simple things:

1. Stop all recall actions against baby sling companies until
2. We can finalize the ASTM voluntary sling standards (scheduled for November) and
3. Force the CPSC to follow their own internal procedures, stop using bullying tactics, and use sound science.

SENATE: Mark Pryor – Chairman, AR (202) 224-2353
Byron L. Dorgan, ND (202) 224-2551
Barbara Boxer, CA (202) 224-3553
Bill Nelson, FL (202) 224-5274
Claire McCaskill, MO (202) 224-6154
Amy Klobuchar, MN (202) 224-3244
Tom Udall, NM (202) 224-5941
Roger Wicker – Ranking Member, MS (202) 224-6253
Olympia J. Snowe, ME (202) 224-5344
Jim DeMint, SC (202) 224-6121
John Thune, SD (202) 224-2321
Johnny Isakson, GA (202) 224-3643
David Vitter, LA (202) 224-4623

HOUSE: Bobby L. Rush, IL, Chairman 202-225-4372; 773-224-6500
Jan Schakowsky, IL, Vice Chair 202-225-2111; 773-506-7100
Ed Whitfield, KY, Ranking Member 202-225-3115; 270-885-8079
John P. Sarbanes, MD 202-225-4016; 410-832-8890
George Radanovich, CA 202-225-4540; 559-449-2490
Betty Sutton, OH 202-225-2266; 330-865-8450
Cliff Stearns, FL 202-225-5744; 352-351-8777
Frank Pallone, Jr., NJ 202-225-4671; 732-571-1140
Joseph R. Pitts, PA 202-225-2411; 717-303-0667
Bart Gordon, TN 202-225-4231; 615-896-1986
Mary Bono Mack, CA 202-225-5330; 760-320-1076
Bart Stupak, MI 202-225-4735; 231-348-0657
Lee Terry, NE 202-225-4155; 402-397-9944
Gene Green, TX 202-225-1688; 281-999-5879
Sue Wilkins Myrick, NC 202-225-1976; 704-362-1060
Charles A. Gonzalez, TX 202-225-3236; 210-472-6195
Tim Murphy, PA 202-225-2301; 412-344-5583
Anthony D. Weiner, NY 202-225-6616; 718-520-9001
Phil Gingrey, GA 202-225-2931; 770-429-1776
Jim Matheson, UT 202-225-3011; 801-486-1236
Steve Scalise, LA 202-225-3015; 504-837-1259
G. K. Butterfield, NC 202-225-3101; 252-237-9816
Robert E. Latta, OH 202-225-6405; 419-668-0206
John Barrow, GA 202-225-2823; 912-354-7282
Joe Barton, TX 202-225-2002; 817-543-1000

The CPSC is taking it too far. They're out for blood. If you have seen the recent Fisher Price recalls, they are quite ridiculous. What's next? Recalling every kids' bike ever made? Because kids get hurt on those too, you know.

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