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  1. canadiangie

    Graco replacement buckle - Canada

    Has anyone gotten an ETA for a replacement buckle? Today I was told May at the earliest, but am hoping that might be incorrect.
  2. canadiangie

    Some new seats at Walmart

    Today I saw a few new seats at my Walmart. There were no prices listed on the new seats - I could tell they had been freshly unboxed because they weren't even bolted down yet. I saw a stand alone Evenflo Embrace. 4-35 pounds, I believe. A lime green and black cover, but different than the...
  3. canadiangie

    Very good customer service from Diono Canada this week

    I know customer service seems hit and miss with many manufacturers, but I have yet again experienced fantastic service from Diono Canada. I had a family who I have worked with for years experience their Radian Premiere harness adjuster essentially stop working. I encouraged them to call Diono...
  4. canadiangie

    Any techs in Prince George, BC?

    I checked the tech listing, but didn't see any techs for Prince George. Are there any? Or somewhere close by Prince George?
  5. canadiangie

    Quick! Handle up on BabyTrend apply to Canada or just US?

    Thread title says it all... Yes to handle up in Canada or just in the US?
  6. canadiangie

    Where is the new Maxi Cosi hbb?

    I thought it was hitting the US in September? And I was hoping to hear it was coming to Canada at some point. Any new info?
  7. canadiangie

    ISO: Livia SGL cover

    I need a Livia SGL cover if possible. I would love to trade, and have lots to trade, just try me. Otherwise I can buy it, but am hoping to stay around $50ish. Anyone? TIA. :)
  8. canadiangie

    Trade RXT for Britax convertible?

    I was thinking about getting a Britax convertible for little dd. I have a few RXTs here, as well as enough XT's to transport a small army, so I was thinking I could do without one of the RXT's. I have never acquired a seat through swap, and will only trade with someone I know, and preferably...
  9. canadiangie

    Reporting a defect to TC

    I'm mobile right now with no time to google. Anyone have the link to reporting a defect? TIA.
  10. canadiangie

    Cosco Topside backless booster at Canadian Tire

    It was $18.99 It looks about the same size as the Harmony backless. Slight variation on armrests maybe. Lightweight, simple. I couldn't access the manual to verify belt routing. I believe in the US it specifies something unique regarding the shoulder belt.
  11. canadiangie


    This morning I received a call from a family I have worked with. Child is almost 3, 36 inches, 30 pounds. Rear facing in two Diono RXT's (one in each vehicle). Seats are installed correctly. Child is in seats correctly. Parents are quite particular about things. Yesterday they received a...
  12. canadiangie

    Cowmooflage Frontier XT cover for trade

    Hi, My Frontier XT (same as 85) has found a new home. It went to its new home in a Livia outfit, leaving an EEUC Cow cover behind. I love trading covers, so if anyone has a RXT cover or a Parkway SGL cover for trade please let me know. If you're in the US it tends to cost about $15 USD to...
  13. canadiangie

    Graco Nautilus in Reese - $159 at

    I'm on my phone so can't link, but a little birdy told me that Costco has the Nauti on for $159 free shipping.
  14. canadiangie

    Evenflo SureRide coming to Canada an sooner than planned?

    I see the BRU site says June. Has anyone heard anything about it surfacing sooner up here? Looks like a great puzzling seat as its said to be one inch less wide at the base than the MR65. With 19" top slots and allowing for use up to 65lbs, and at $139, I'm thinking this will be a great...
  15. canadiangie

    Thoughts on Bugaboo Donkey? Love it? Hate it? Any thoughts welcome :)

    If you needed air filled tires, and wanted a convertible stroller would Donkey make your list? Anyone own one? Played with one?
  16. canadiangie

    Any techs in Winnipeg?

    I looked at the list, but I'm wondering if anyone is missing or new? Hoping to find someone who can help with a cranky rf MyRide in an even crankier 3rd Grand Caravan. :p Eat: and if you're on the list and want to help, that's fantastic! Basically is anyone in Winnipeg able to help??
  17. canadiangie

    Is a 2010 FrontierXT compliant? (Selling purposes)

    I should really know the answer, but alas I do not, and I'm too busy to call Britax. I think I'd like to sell my Frontier. But can I? It's a 2010 something or other DOM.
  18. canadiangie

    FFS: French Roast SS1 cover and canopy

    I have a SS1 here about to expire. It has a French Roast cover and canopy in decent condition. Would make a good spare. No stains, rips or fading. FFS if anyone needs it. I'll give it a few days and then it's going to the garbage. :)
  19. canadiangie

    3 across 3rd row 08 Sienna: can you help? I know Chat is frequented by Sienna peeps.
  20. canadiangie

    Car seats in the Netherlands.

    Anyone have any info for me on what families who live in the Netherlands do with regards to seats? For example ages and stages, common brands, where to shop, etc. TIA.

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